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Strictly come dancing

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If the voting reflected true dancing ability, this year is a four hourse race. Cherie, Rachel, Austin and Tom. I'm really looking forward to next week when the boys and girls go head to head. :dance::dance::dance:


Jessie should definitely go. She was the weakest dancer and behaved like a spoilt child! Let's hope the public saw that.

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Cheri and Rachel were really good last night. Cheri's dance was so beautiful, they really deserved to be at the top. I loved the comment that it was so tender and Arlene had never seen him dance like that and then (can't remember his name either) Jordan said "well normally I have to dance with the wife" :lol::lol:


I think Jessie was upset to be at the bottom but she could have probably done with begging the public to save her as she did come across as a bit petulant.


I think Christine enjoyed it a bit too much and didn't concentrate enough on her posture so it looked a bit messy.


It will be so good when they are all in the competition together, so many good dancers this year. :D

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Re Brendan though did anybody else notice how petrified Lisa looked when she'd finished the dance? I thought she did well but didn't plant her feet well and she looked so worried about what he was going to say. :roll:


I'm not overly keen on Brendan, he gets too grumpy for my liking.

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I agree that the right person went tonight although she improved a lot in the dance off. I do think that she was really frustrated at her performance yesterday rather than sulking at the comments. It must be difficuilt when you know you could do better to face the comments of the judges.


:dance: Cherie and James were fabulous - what an elegant lady! :clap:


Ian's little kiss was quite amusing yesterday after his comment/mistake on It Takes Two about him hoping that the nerves would not get the better of Jodie on Saturday and 'Jodie would show her breast' (meaning best)!!! :lol: Is he a little smitten!!!?

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I think he is a little smitten but not as much as Rachel's partner Vincent he sooo fancies her :lol: Quite sweet really :D


Did anyone else find the camera work really annoying this weekend they kept jumping in and out and not keeping up with the dance or showing the footwork :shock:


How old is Cherie and is there hope for the rest of us yet? :shock:


Can't wait for next week

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Did anyone else find the camera work really annoying this weekend they kept jumping in and out and not keeping up with the dance or showing the footwork :shock:


That is always my gripe with the show as well :evil: - I want to see a whole body, not close ups of all the usual cleavage and up nostrils etc.:evil: What is the point in showing and discussing all the finer points of dancing such as posture, arms and feet, if they don't show us half of it? :evil: I'd like to see more of the view that the judges have and very few close-ups.


I usually read at the same time or else I become too wound up to enjoy it - or seasick from watching it!

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