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Feeling really unwell :(

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Hi guys, I've basically just come here for good moan.

I've managed escape being unwell for nearly three years now (other than my Chronic Fatigue syndrome), but if feels like all the germs have been saved up over the years and been given to me in a massive dose :cry:.

Ok, so I only have the flu but I feel really awful, shivery, hot, cold, tired, head-achy, stuffy, sore throat etc.

I didn't sleep well last night, went to bed around 10pm, stayed awake till 3am then finally managed to drift off but woke up in a panic :shock:. I was finding it very hard to breathe and at one point I thought I was being suffocated :shock:. This went on for about a minute before I caught my breath, so I've stayed awake since then. I'm absolutely exhausted and need to sleep but I'm worried about not being able to breathe during the night :anxious:.


I've been trying to eat and drink but don't really have the energy to stand up for long with out passing out. I'm more worried about fainting/not being able to breathe because no-one is here with me at the moment other than Zara the dog (who has been great all day, sleep next to my bed all morning, she's a fantastic dog!) I'm just worried about something happening and my only help would be a five month old German Shepherd! I do have a friendly next door neighbour, but she is 8 months pregnant so really I don't want her to get what I've got.


Does anyone have any suggestions on how to speed up recovery?

Also, anything to amuse me, I'm so bored sitting in bed, and I'm sick of watching TV now!


Sorry everyone for my moan, I just needed to let it out to someone! I know there are people with much bigger problems, but I'm just not used to being this unwell!



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You poor thing! Do you think maybe you should take some medical advice if you feel so faint? If not then all I can suggest is to prop yourself up a little with pillows when you go to sleep, that normally helps me if I'm all full of cold, maybe have a little Vicks inhaler or something in the room to help keep your airways clear, or eucalyptus or olbas oil. Open the window a fraction and drink lots of fluids.


I hope you feel better soon, my lot have all got colds, OH's obviously is the worst of all :roll: , the children are soldiering on, I've escaped so far :? although I feel a bit under the weather so I'm definitely trying to fight it.


I hope the panic feeling passes so you can get some rest


lots of love

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Hi everyone, thank you so much for the support.

I'm still feeling the same :?. I found a vicks inhaler in the medicine cupboard, un-opened, so I'm using that. It has helped with the stuffy nose, so I'm hoping my breathing will get easier.

I've managed to get a family member to phone every couple of hours during the night to check on me, so that's put my mind at ease. I feel so guilty about it though, and the thing I HATE most is asking for help :oops: I don't know why, I just do.

I know it sounds reeeeally stupid, but I'm worried that I'll stop breathing in my sleep :oops: I'm pretty sure I'd wake up before it got to that though :think:. Any thoughts on this?

I will prop my self up with pillows as Mrs B suggested and will keep using the inhaler.


Thanks so much everyone for the support, I really appreciate it.



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oh poor you - it's horrible being ill on your own. Keep the phone by the bed, and don't stand/sit up too quickly, that can often make you feel dizzy.


I always have lots of pillows if I've got a respiratory infection, makes it easier to breathe and stops me coughing so much. Just have lots of fluids and maybe paracetamol/similar, and try and distract yourself with DVDs or books.


Hope you soon feel better.

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Hi all, thanks again for the support.

I'm off to bed in a couple of minutes. I also found some (un-used) "Breathe easy" nasal strips, which are helping. I think I got them when I last had a cold, it's times like this I'm thankful I never throw things away!

I'm going to bed armed with: a cup of tea, water with ice cubes, the phone, tissues, hot water bottle, spare blankets and pillows (in case I get cold/need more pillows) throat lozenges, paracetamol, Vaseline for my lips/nose, vicks inhaler and finally Squeak the cat, who is my company for the night, the worlds narky-ist cat has cuddled up to me for a fuss, which she hardly ever does. Zara is in her crate, I think she knows I'm not well as she was very reluctant to go to bed, usually she is more than happy to have an early night, but tonight she played up a bit.

I can't leave my bedroom window open as I live in a bungalow, and my room is right at the front of the house.


I think I have everything I'll need fingers x'd for a good night sleep :pray:.


Night, night.



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If you are coughing a lot, codeine is the best thing to take as it is supposed to suppress coughs. Use it at night to get some sleep, i don't suppress coughs during the day as it's your body's mechanism for getting rid of yuck.


Hope you are doing better today, keep those fluids up. Try some Complan to maybe get some nutrition in you, if you can face it and if you can get someone to get it for you.

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Hi everyone, thank you again for your help and support.

I'm feeling a bit better today :D. The dizzy-ness has passed now, I think it was because I wasn't eating properly. I physically wasn't able to make my self proper meals yesterday, so I just grabbed a packet of crisps every now and then. But today I've been mainly eating honey on toast and bagels with a cup of tea with honey and lemon at least every hour :angel:.


I haven't gone to the doctors because quite honestly mine our awful. I either get fobbed of with "Plenty of rest and paracetamol" or get completely miss-diagnosed. An example of this was when I had an awful virus, which was very close to attacking my heart. I didn't have the energy to eat at all, and was surviving on a couple of blackberries every day for about a month. I went to the Doctors a total of 13 times in that month and every time they just told me to take paracetamol and rest. On the 13th time I was diagnosed with Anorexia :shock::shock::shock:. They had got that completely wrong!!! I physically couldn't eat, but they thought I was deliberately starving my self on purpose :shock:.

Finally after a month I taken my self to hospital, about an hour and a half away, and after some tests they told me straight away I had a heart murmur, and infection in my bladder and stomach :shock: and it was in my blood and very close to my heart. Hence why I wasn't able to eat and was so exhausted. From that virus I got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, if the doctors would have listened to me properly in the first place, then I would have been treated quicker and I probably wouldn't have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome now :x.


Quite honestly they are all awful doctors :notalk:.


Anyway, I'm feeling better today which is good. I slept better, although I woke up at about 2am til 2:30am but I still got a good night sleep. My nose is cleared and my temperature seems to have settled :D.


Thank you for being so supportive :D.



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poor you it sounds horrible I hope you are feeling bettter today -- I have been ssing lots of people this last few weeks who have very similar symptoms, it is flu virus & makes your lungs behave as if you have asthma (something I know too well) I have been prescibing similar medicines for them thatwe use to treat asthma & seems to be working - hope you are better soon, maybe a trip to the GP is in order


just read the rest of the thread -- glad you are getting better

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