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Corn on the cob

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I am struggling with what to put in my eglu run and converter to keep the girls occupied.


I have read that you can hang corn in their eglu runs. Can I put in a fresh uncooked corn on the cob from my garden in there, or is it a cooked one, a dried one?


Also can I just use garden string to hang it?


If anybody have any other great ideas I would love to hear it...currently I have a branch in there for them to perch and a dust bath that I need to fill regularly for them.





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Hi Kit


You can hang a fresh uncooked corn on the cob in there. Within half an hour it will be stripped bare (depending on how many chooks you have!). They also like tinned sweetcorn with no extra sugar or salt added.


I don't hang mine up I just chuck it on the floor for them to fight over! :D

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If you have problems with greedy chickens fighting over the cob, cut it up into several pieces and things will be more peaceful. We don't hang ours up, just put them on the floor.


They're not fussy either, and will happily eat cobs that are very pale yellow.


We used to cook ours until we realised they like them raw just as much.


Supermarkets often sell them near their sell by for 20 pence or so a pack - keep your eye out!


Another thing to hang in the run or thread through the mesh to keep them occupied are dried millet sprays. Some shops sell these at £1 for a large bag of them.



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I have to break up whole cobs of corn

for my 7 otherwise there would be all out war

My OH said to me one day "there not chickens

there velociprators" Mine are very very greedy :roll:

they can stip a cob in a minute :shock: I swear

mine would eat my cats :shock: who now disappear

like a shot if one breaches the eglu netting and comes

in the kitchen :lol: My cats will however chase my DD's

Staffie X 3 times the size of them :shock:


On the Yellow point my YD didnt give a thought

and went out in sandals with sweetcorn yellow

toenails :lol: trust me she wont do that again :lol:

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well thanks for all the advice!


gave my 3 hens one cob to share...they pecked at it showing no interest, but as soon as muggins here picked the corn off for them they were the happiest hens I have ever seen. full of chatter and excitement and the good news was that they were desperate enough to eat out of my hands.


cheers everybody...keep the good advice coming!



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Peckablocks keep mine amused for ages. Plus I have added hanging feeders and apple hangers in their runs. They love them. The hanging feeders keep mine amused.


Janty, what's a hanging feeder? :? Do you mean the plastic things that you put pellets in? That you can hang up? I'm looking for ideas for my run too, they haven't got that much in it and don't seem to complain at the moment, but I want to put more stuff in for the winter days when they can't freerange cos I'm at work. They'll be in bed when I get home :(

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Cauliflower works for ours. Trim the stalk/leaves bit and chuck it to them whole. Cabbage is good. Pak Choi(they got on the veg patch) evaporates. Spinach trimmings. In fact, just about anything really.

Some of our ex bats have severely clipped beaks so I hold the corncob for them to attack and the starch goes everywhere...


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In my run I have:


- a perch (eg. tree branch or broom handle)

- a dustbath under cover

- a parrot mirror (which they ignore), you could hand old CD's up for them.

- a metal food ball from a pet shop (same as in Omlet Shop). They love any food in this rather than on the floor. I generally put brocolli or cauliflour stalks in it.


- any food suitable to hang up on string. I use garden string tied to the bars with carrot tops, again brocolli stalks, corn on cob etc. Mine prefer swinging food to peck at and they are older now and never peck the string left behind as they just seem to know it's not food.

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