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Guest revnev

introductions??? easy... :-)

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Expanded my flock today - added a cockerell, 2 hens and three chicks - I decided just to throw them all together and see what happened...


seems to be working just fine...


here they are all co-existing happily together....






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i just wet myself........................literally! :lol:


hence the name??? :shock::think::wink:


lol their cute. can they stay outside? and where did you get them?


yeah - (thanks Helen) - I made them - they are quite easy to make - and YES - they can stay outside - simple external plywood with external paint and a couple of coats of polyurathane varnish... the eyes might fade because they are simply black permanent marker pen - but they can be redone as and when necessary.


Actually I made them for my garden to celebrate me getting my garage back - but then realised it was my mum's birthday soon and we will be going down to hers for some of Half term - so they will have to become her birthday present..


and I will have to make another set now..... (fortunately I was organised enough to cut out templates so it should be easier second time around.....)



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