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One Man Banned

Back again!

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I really must start getting my act together - come back for about a week wasn't it?, then back again.


Thought I'd let my forum friends have a bit of an update on how things are this end...:D


I'm settling into the new job REALLY well, I don't think I have ever been in a job that I love so much, so doing 50-60 hour weeks as I have isn't a chore at all, just wish that HR would finally send me some wages - it's been six weeks now :(

It has made me sort out some other things that have been going on - so by the time I get paid I'll have lots of spare cash as I've entered a plan with all my creditors :? .... one must be more careful with the money :lol:


Pretty much moved into the flat now, it's really looking like a home and I spend most days there, just back at the house this weekend to spend some lovely time with Joe, Molly and my laydees that I miss so much - went browsing at the NEC for our new caravan and very nearly ordered one - Joe is just having the necessary time to think and make sure the one we have chosen is the one for us.......but by February a nice shiny new Swift Challenger 480 will be gracing the driveway :pray::lol:


Been battling a dreaded cold that's turned into Bronchitis again so just hoping I shake that off soon


Then there's something that has given me a lot of hope over the last few days actually - anyone else seen the lovely advert for Eurovision..?

I've decided that I want to enter so will be making a video to send in to make sure that I do something that I want to do - I'd love to have the chance to get to perform for the UK in a competition that I really love - and this is the chance :D:D:D


I'll try to have a good read of the red arrow's - so many again but hope that all is well with my lovely forum buddies - I want to be back to stay this time and with a proper broadband connection at the flat from Thursday that should be all that much easier :D

And between watching Deal or No Deal - one of my dearest friends is currently on - Gill, I know how much she wins but I can't say anything :shh:






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ooh nice to see you back. It all sounds very exciting but I hadn't heard about the Eurovision thing - I'm one of those people who doesnt' watch anythign live so I've probably fast forwarded over it!

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