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Old Speckled Hen

What did you see in the garden today?

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How lovely to have red squizzies in the garden, we only get the greys and I have no intention of eating them like HFW unless I'm desperate!

This morning I went to let the girls out and found a pile of white/grey feathers outside their run. Knew it was a sparrowhawk attack - then I saw the remains on the roof of the cube - yuk. It used to be a collared dove. OH said that there is a pile of feathers in the middle of next door's lawn. I guess that was where the attack first happened and then the hawk flew into our oak tree for a private munch. Perhaps I disturbed it because the body was still warm when I chucked it over the fence (into the road). Double yuk. :vom: I suppose that accounts for the geese impersonations that we have had this week.

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I've just seen a sparrowhawk in my garden eyeing up my doves! Despite having festooned the trees around the dovecote with shiny CD's and buying an enormous plastic eagle owl she still comes and looks at my diminished flock as though they are provided as lunch for her. No attacks for two weeks though and my OH is busy making a winter aviary so they will be safe during the lean winter months.


These raptors once very scarce are now so protected they are a pest. The poor old stock dove is now on the RSPB endangered list while the Sparrowhawk is on the green list and still the raptors are protected. Does anyone ever question why we see so few thrushes and small birds anymore? It makes me mad! :evil:

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When I lived in Teddington I used to walk the dogs in Bushy Park and there were lots of parakeets. Very pretty, especially in their breeding colours but the whole park resounded to their screeching to the deadening of any other bird sound save crows and magpies.

They even chased away the two tawny owls that roosted in an old oak tree and posed regularly for photos in the winter.

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When I lived in Teddington I used to walk the dogs in Bushy Park and there were lots of parakeets. Very pretty, especially in their breeding colours but the whole park resounded to their screeching to the deadening of any other bird sound save crows and magpies.

They even chased away the two tawny owls that roosted in an old oak tree and posed regularly for photos in the winter.


I agree that its quite noisy but I like it. I could almost pretend I'm somewhere tropical :wink:

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