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Etiquette question...!

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Oh that's just awful.

I hope he isn't flicking his collection in your direction! It is really yukky. I would tell the person in charge that if he/she didn't have a word with your colleague, you might just vomit all over the desk because it makes you feel really ill!

If that doesn't work ask him why he doesn't use a hanky or say out loud "Ewww so and so's picking his nose again!". Or if you have a camera in your mobile phone, take a pic transfer it to paper and stick it on the notice board with "Wanted - a box of tissues" in large letters underneath.

One of my friends came to stay with me at my grandparents one summer holiday - and she had the added :vom: factor of eating them after. Many a time I had to look away during school and after - she just never knew what she was doing. My grandmother used to say "moving house again?" but she didn't understand. It is just gross.

As for toenails, not nice, shouldn't be done, but not as horrible as the nasal secretions!

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I can't stand it when I'm at work on the computer and the person next to me is crunching on crisps LOUDLY in that strange rhythmic way that always gets on my nerves. I wouldn't mind if they actually offered me one, but they don't and AND they're noisy,too. Am I the mother of all grouches?

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I support a 14 year old girl at school who picks tasty morsels off her head and eats them :vom: . She's been told :roll: .





We have several who do similar.


One picks nose and eats it, bites nails kand eats them, pulls at his scalp and eats the bits, picks his feet until they bleed and eats the skin, and eats earwax. Sometimes all within five minutes.


Nice. :vom:

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And he wears sandals to work :shock: ?


Yep, changes out of his trainers and into these horrible grandad style sandals. He clips his toenails through the straps, most of the time he sweeps up the clippings but sometimes I've seen him just kick them under his desk. :vom: He clips his fingernails too but I confess I sometimes have to file mine if broken so I guess fingernail clipping is not much worse (Hate to put myself in the same category as him though) Thankfully no nose picking from anyone here although as I'm the only girl in the office there is a lot of passing wind too. Now that IS antisocial I can tell you! :shameonu:


I'm a bit worried about saying anything, I don't want to offend him /start a row, as he is a perfectly nice person.

.... but basically, it's because I'm a coward.


Me too chickenanne!! A few of the guys have noticed it too and not said anything either. It's tricky, I don't want to rock the boat as I have to work with him every day

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You could introduce a kind of honesty box, let's call it the Clippings Box.


For all clippings and pickings.


Then make Toenail Clippy Man empty it on a Friday.


This has just reminded me of my friends husband!!! She said he used to collect his clippings in a little wooden box on his dresser. She made him throw them out when they started to attract little white flies and bugs :shameonu::shameonu::shameonu::vom::shameonu::shameonu::shameonu:

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This has just reminded me of my friends husband!!! She said he used to collect his clippings in a little wooden box on his dresser. She made him throw them out when they started to attract little white flies and bugs :shameonu::shameonu::shameonu::vom::shameonu::shameonu::shameonu:


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :vom::vom::vom::vom::vom::vom::vom: He would have to go if he was mine :notalk:

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This has made me cringe; it's even worse than when they pick their nose in the car at traffic lights!


Personal/intimate things like that should be done at home, certainly not in the work environment. It's hard for you to comment as you have to work with this chap; I'd refer it to the office manager (if yu have one) as it's their job to maintain the harmonious environment at work.


I work with all men, and wouldn't let them get up to anything like that.... not that they would; they're all scared of me, whioch is how I like it!

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How Gross is this?! :vom:


I might try one of the following:


"Have you lost something up there?"

"Did you not get it all out yesterday?"

"My goodness - is there still some up there?"

"Can I have some?"

"Do you want salt and vinegar with that?"


Alternatively throw a box of tissues at his head or do an exaggerated mime of excavating your own nose.


As for the toenail guy - he is beyond the pale. I can't find a smilie of someone actually being sick. I would probably buy a bag of dessicated coconut and scatter it all over his desk and floor before he comes in to work one morning and leave his computer screen with a big horny nailed foot on it.



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