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Etiquette question...!

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As you're all such lovely polite people...


A colleague of mine sits opposite me. He spends the day picking his nose. All the time.


Would you

A) ignore it - stop being a stroppy irritable old moo,

B) say something to him


AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHHH! I just need a moan! Who else has the Monday morning grouches?

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Perhaps he doesn't realise he is doing it, so couldn't you make a jokey comment, something like " have you got something stuck up there?!" - might make him realise somebody is watching him do it.


If that doesn't stop him, then don't be so subtle next time and tell him if he was a child he would be told to stop doing it!

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:shock: I lead a sheltered life as a stay-at-home mother. I am really shocked to hear there is someone who openly picks his nose at work and someone else who cuts his toenails in the office! If you put it in something like 'The Office' I would think of the behaviour as grossly exaggerated and not actually true to life. How wrong I am! (and i don't watch The Office as I find it very stupid)

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I missed the toenail story and had to re read the thread. That is if anything, even worse. Performing intimate grooming in an office environment is totally unacceptable and completelydisgusting. What is the office manager doing, allowing someone to behave in this manner. :shock:


At least nose picking is probably being done unconsciously. I don't mean that he is unconscious when he is doing it....but you know what I mean. :D

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Never mind the picking - what's he doing with the bogies? :shock:


They will be under his mouse mat. :D


I'm with the" for goodness sake will you please top picking your nose brigade".


Tell him he'll never get a girlfriend.


I agree Egluntine :wink: That is gross :vom:


And clipping your toe nails at work :shock: I used to work in an office full of Italian men, it was heaven. They knew how to behave :D It was a breath of fresh air coming from an all English male environment. That sort of behavior would not have been tolerated.

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A colleague of mine sits opposite me. He spends the day picking his nose. All the time.


Would you

A) ignore it - stop being a stroppy irritable old moo,

B) say something to him



Eventually, I would have to say something or give in my notice. Noses are a perfect reservoir of germs.


Perhaps you could start a conversation about it, eg ask him what he thinks about the Prime Minister being filmed excavating his nose in Parliament, ask him to name a few of the germs in his nose. Yes, give him a tissue when he starts picking, saying that the next time he has a sore throat he's getting no sympathy from you. Tell him it is disgusting.


Shock therapy: whenever he leaves his desk, go to his computer and pull up one of these onto his screen for him to look at when he gets back:



1min 7 seconds of the Prime Minister

http://politicalhumor.about.com/od/bushvideos/v/bushnosepick.htm Dubya

http://www.explodingcigar.com/article2050.html A US congressman

http://technorati.com/videos/youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DNt7pNgfscNg Prime Minister of Italy


There is also a clip of Alan Rickman doing so.

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Uurrcchhg!! Toenails! I missed that one, too!! That is just plain wierd..... the nose-picking am sure he's not aware of, but you can't accidentally clip your toenails. Are the bits of nail pinging around the office??? NO..! Don't answer!!!


Mr Picky is in a meeting this afternoon, but I think I'll ask him if he's got anything good up there when he's back at his desk and the excavations start. I do like him, he's a nice guy, so don't want to be too mean about it. Or else I could launch myself over the desk screaming "GET YOUR FINGER OUT OF YOUR NOSE YOU DISGUSTING MAN!".


He doesn't have a girlfriend; he does have a wife though.....

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Or you could try,


"Can you manage there or would you like a spoon?"


Oh I'm sorry ...it's quite disgusting isn't i?? I would have to say something to him.

How about "excuse me ...do you know your eyes cross when you do that?" :lol:

[can you take a photo of him doing it with your phone and then email it to him? :think:

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Or you could try,


"Can you manage there or would you like a spoon?"


That's brilliant!


I would definitely say something though, and I wouldn't be rude, but I wouldn't beat around the bush - "Please stop doing that - it makes me feel ill!" for example!

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