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hand feeding sweetcorn

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Today l was feeding them sweetcorn for lunch out of my hand and it felt brilliant.It was so nice just to chill in the garden with them.I sat there thinking about how much l was glad we had them they really bring the garden to life.They are just the sweetest things.They like corn but dont go mad on it so l think l will have to try more foods.Trouble is oh says hes 2nd best as they get better food them him.


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle)(white chicken)PP

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when l cook pasta l always put a bit more on for them.But when they get porrige and he dose not l can see his face it a picture l have said there chickens your not they spend there night in there eglu your all tucked up in your bed.Men are so funny he's never been this way with the other animals mind u the chickens are so different from the other animals l spend alot of time watching them in the garden.What other things do chickens like to eat especially when the cold weather sets in?


(green eglu)

(Bluebelle) bluebell

PP marmalaid

(white chicken) ruby

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Love the picture..... LOL June and Audrey would have had both their heads in the tin and would have knocked it over.


They are so funny, I'm sure they can hear the key turn in the front door when Os gets home as they run to the kitchen. They've worked out that when the white chopping board comes out, he's getting ready to make the next days sandwiches and they get under his feet waiting for any crumbs.


They also get very excited if they see me peeling potatoes, they love cooked peelings.


Back to sweetcorn, we haven't done it recently , but last year we used to buy frozen mini cobs from Sainsburys which we used to defrost before giving to them. They used to go mad for them. I might get some tomorrow.

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My oh cooked rice with sweetcorn and peas they love it as soon as they see theres food around there they are.He says greedy little things he says its like they are never going to eat again they even like sitting around our feet when we are having dinner.I think we are going to have to start laying them a place.Looking at his face is so funny even the dogs not that cheecky.



(green eglu)

(Bluebelle) bluebell

(white chicken) ruby

PP marmalaid

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