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I've Dyed my hair

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What colour? Or should I say what colour was it supposed to be and how did it come out? :lol:

I put a pot of henna on mine last night, thought it was a bit boring browny red but it's carried on developing through the day as it often does and when the sun was out I blinded half the school run at 50 paces!!! :lol::lol:



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Well it was meant to be a red colour (like my sisters) but its came out a Reddish Brown :roll:



Its the first time i've ever dyed my hair too, its Normally a Dark Blonde (Sp?)



Will try and get a pic tomorrow (But probably won't post it :roll: )

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My Mother tried a do-it-yourself job around 1956.


All she wanted to do was put in an auburn sort of tint and save money at the hairdressers.


Now, my mother always liked to add 'just a bit more' to make sure it worked.


Well, it worked alright :!:


She had bright orange hair until her normal hairdresser could sort it out. (was quite a time as the colour had to be stripped with bleach and couldn't be re-coloured 'cos the hair was too brittle)


She wore a headscarf all the time.


Good job the Queen did as well...she just said she was an avid supporter of the Monarchy :roll:



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I tried a blonde one in my teens (I am naturally dark blonde) and it came out ginger! My mum called me Ginger Rogers for about a week. Then in my 20's I tried "Sun In" and became a brassy piece with attitude. I am now naturally badger ie grey and blondish but have red and gold hi lites in winter (my autumnal phase) and blond in summer. All prefessionally done. I have spikey grey hairs so cant do like some women do and let nature take its course I'd look like a witch :twisted::twisted::twisted:

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lol that happened to my mum too a few years ago, she was dying her hair blond and it came out ginger :lol: if you laughed at her about it she'd turn into a right ginger ninja :twisted:



Oh and I tried taking a pic but my hair came out black in every pic :shock:

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I bet if we could see it, we'd all say it looked lovely :D


As a regular dye-r of hair since my early teens, best advice I can give is to leave it for at least two washes and then see how you feel. Sometimes it looks all wrong at the start and washes well, sometimes it doesn't, but you can always dye over it again.


At various times my hair has been all sorts of black, purple, brown and red (never blonde as it is naturally very dark) and I've ony ever re-done it once, when it came out bright ginger :shock:. It was a great colour but just a bit much for the office :( , so had to be toned down with a dark brown dye over it.

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