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we got 4 in oct 2007, 3 of them are still with us so that's 17 months so far :D


none of ours made it to 2 years, fatima was the last to go, 1 day before she would have been with us for 2 years. It was very sad.


glad hermione is still going strong :D


we're getting some more ex batt girls in June.

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we got our first four ex batt girlies in march 2008, sadly we lost two of them, one at the end of last year and one this year :( Frenchy and Rizzo still with us although they are now in retirement and probably don't have much longer left.


On the plus side we are seeing Adele in Haslingdon tomorrow to pick up another four rescue girlies and are naming them after the doctors companions: Donna, Martha, Rose and Sarah-Jayne :D


Glad to hear Hermoine is doing well xxx

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Oh my word, I was so surprised by how well you folks have done with your long-living ex-bats. I, like many other people thought that like ex-racing Greyhounds, ex-bats proberbly didn't live too long after being rescued. It is so wonderful thinking about all those poor little girlies being able to live long and happy lives with all the freedom that they deserve. I have so much admiration for you folks for giving them the chance to see the sky and feel the warmth of the sun on them. A really big round of applause for Emma and her little Flump, what a heartwarming thread :clap::D

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Dandelion and Chance have now passed 23 months and I would really like them to make it to 2 years :pray: , but both are starting to show their age a little. Dandelion took over as top-chook when Daisy died a couple of weeks ago and has very much enjoyed her new status! None of them are showing any inclination to take Daisy's position as my cuddle-chook though :(


Sun and Sky have now been free for 13 months and the Song Birds have been out for just over two months.


Well done to all those ex-batts that have lived out lovely long retirements (and their humans, of course :D ) :clap::clap::clap:

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Bartel managed 2 years and 3 days and Hatpin lasted for 2 years 6 months. Not bad innings for either of them. Volty managed 21 months with us so not bad either.


Other oldies of note: Ablett and Shiraz both had 19 months of freedom.


Trilby is still going strong - 20 months and counting

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