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My OH is so funny!

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While watching the Simpsons (we are people of class after all!) that horrid advert came on for Glade where the little boy wants to 'do a poo' at his friend Paul's house because the bathroom smells nice


The ensuing conversation went:


OH - and what does Pauls mum think of all this!?


Me - starts to laugh


OH - "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"


Me - puts tea plate down and laughs harder


OH - are we to think she is ok with it all, I mean what happens if all Paul's friends do that?


Does she buy loo roll in bulk? think of the costs involved!


Me - "I can't breathe!"


OH - "go away kid! I ain't being the epicentre"


Me - wipes tears off my face


I'm sorry of this isn't as funny as a post but it was absolutely hysterical when OH was being Pauls mum :lol:


My mum may be dissapointed I didn't bag an aga owning solicitor but the last 14 years have been a laugh a minute, I hope we are still laughing in to our eighties and beyond :D

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Ain't so funny when they leave a nasty niff and want their bums wiped!! thankfully we are past that stage :D or worse forget to flush or block the loo as my 13 yr old did recently at a friends after a big no 2 and his friends mum appeared with bleach and her mairgolds. They had a good laugh :lol::lol::lol:

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Ain't so funny when they leave a nasty niff and want their bums wiped!! thankfully we are past that stage :D or worse forget to flush or block the loo as my 13 yr old did recently at a friends after a big no 2 and his friends mum appeared with bleach and her mairgolds. They had a good laugh :lol::lol::lol:



Is this a teenage boy trait? It's a favourite trick of my 14 year old at the moment :vom:

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Sounds like the chats Carl has through any adverts :lol: - and any people we pass whilst driving through towns :lol:


LOL :) Glad me and my other half aren't the only ones! :)


Some of the most irritating adverts are the best though :) Especially when you add your own voice overs :)


Your other half obviously share similar humour with myself :) Like it.


My other half and i seem to bounce off one another with voice overs. There was some advert on the other week with some Stepford looking wife with a toilet cleaner:


Me: MMMMMMMMMM, your loo smell fresh!


OH: Yes, it's blah, blah blah


Again,as you say Redwing, not as funny unless you're there and seeing it and hearing it :)

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Those moments are magic aren't they :lol: . I can just imagine what my OH would say if a queue of kids turned up to use our loo :shock: .


We were at my friends house last Sat night and both her and her hubby left the room leaving me and OH with our 4 year old god-daughter (bad idea :roll: ). We made her laugh so hard she lost control and did the longest and loudest fart I have ever heard from a child :shock: . We were all laughing so hard, proper belly laughs, and I couldn't breathe, that we couldn't even tell her parents what had happened for 10 minutes :lol: .


When we finally calmed down a bit my OH said to small child as he wiped the tears away "I think you need to check your pants after that one :wink::roll: ". She disappeared round the corner, and when we asked her what she was doing, she shouted back, "I'm checking my pants, like I was told to!".


That caused another half an hour of uncontrollable tears and belly laughs. I wish we'd had it on tape for her 18th birthday :D . We will certainly remember it forever though.


Edited for spelling.

Edited by Guest
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My YD at my sisters house a few years ago wen tto the loo. A little while later (about 15 minutes I think) I could smell this smell and thought what on earth is that? Only then to remember she was on the loo. I ran up the stairs and a haze of air freshener met me. She had nearly emptied one of those touch and freshes. She is still remined about this now.


But I cannot stand those ads. I thought the one with the little boy saying, or rather, whineing, "it's all gone it's all gone" was bad enough, but now to have the little brat, sorry, boy packing his backpack to go to his friends house for a poo. Who thinks up these ads?!


Give me cod fish fingers falling over at the sight of a naked salmon one anyday :lol:

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Ain't so funny when they leave a nasty niff and want their bums wiped!! thankfully we are past that stage :D or worse forget to flush or block the loo as my 13 yr old did recently at a friends after a big no 2 and his friends mum appeared with bleach and her mairgolds. They had a good laugh :lol::lol::lol:



Is this a teenage boy trait? It's a favourite trick of my 14 year old at the moment :vom:


DS did this a few times when he was that age and I appeared with kettle of hot water marigods and handed them to HIM to clean up the mess, funnily enough he never did it again

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