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Chickens for eating - NOT for the squeamish!

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Next project is being 'hatched' - watch this space :wink:


Did you get the pink Eglu? Did you? Did you? I bet you did. Yippee.


Tell us, have you bought an incubator and hatching your own? Are you. Are you.


Tell us do.

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I was reading a thread on P P forum last night where someone had bought old cotswold legbar eggs from a supermarket and put them in an incubator and some where fertile and growing :shock:

Apparently the farms have Cockerels as well :shock:


In Tescos tonight the old cotswold legbar eggs were sold out :(

Maybe I should get an incubator. 6 eggs for £1.45. How would you have to pay for hatching eggs I wonder?

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The lovely chicken lady that I got Layla from sells hatching eggs from all sorts of breeds. She's based near Oxford though. Might be interesting for you though Lesley. I might well be going to see her in the next couple of months - I'll let you know in case you want to tag along; you'd love her to bits.


Do I detect the patter of tiny starfish feet Lesley?

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Not much chance of that Clare! :D


We were given a chicken crock for Christmas - now all we need is a chicken to cook in it :? That means doing the deed again :? We've ordered a despatcher from Ascotts as the remaining three are just too big to do by hand now


You're welcome to come and see any fluffy little chicks - including me!! :lol:

(but i'm not so little :lol: )

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Why not indulge yourself with a couple of silkie bantams Lesley - they make the best broodies and mums ever :D


I think to convert an eglu for brooding and chicks, you'd need to put something over the slats so the chicks couldn't fall through. They'd need a little ramp to get into and out of the eglu when they are very young. You could go the incubator route to hatch the eggs, but I always used broodys because they do all the hard work of looking after the chicks :wink:


I found a Light Sussex/Maran cross gave a good sized eating bird (all the little boys that hatched) with good laying from all the little girls. But if you intend to eat them all whatever the sex then I'd go for a breed bred for slow outdoor growing as an eater.

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12 Maran/Wheaten hatching eggs sold for £33 + £8 postage the other day :shock: :shock:


The DFT doesn't sell hatching eggs until, March because the fertility drops in the winter and they won't guarantee anything.


I wonder what happens to the eggs being sold on Ebay at the moment - they all have a disclaimer, so there's no come-back :?

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