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Best and worse things about having chickens?

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Realising that I've got chicken poo all over the sole of my shoe AFTER I've walked right across the rug! That's a really bad thing about chickens. However, the good things well and truly outweigh a bit of poo on the rug! Watching them dustbathing tickles me pink and to see them scratching for worms is just lovely. They also have a habit of jumping up onto the table on the patio and looking in at us. Jenny has a circus act which the others don't seem to want to try where she jumps from the table top onto the back of one of the chairs, turns round, looks around, jumps back again then moves on to another chair back! Hysterical to watch as it's only a matter of time before she's too heavy and the chair falls over :lol: . They've flapped onto my kitchen window sill and tapped on the glass, crept into the house and hidden under the dining table or started to make their way upstairs! Clarry tried to use the utility sink as a nest once - must have been very cold on her fluffy bum.


Absolute favourite things are when Jenny finds something tasty in the garden and makes a noise to tell the others only for Clarry to promptly steal whatever it is and gobble it up in front of a flabberghasted Jenny who never learns to keep quiet when she's got something tasty! The other favourite thing is the "ick ick ick" noise Clarry makes when I throw them some grapes, mealworms or rice! She is SO excited that she can't eat but hops from foot to foot, calling out in delight! Bless her starfish feet!

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Best things so far:


Seeing them get more confident and friendlier :D

Watching them chase each other around the garden to try and snatch the tasty morsel of food one of them has got hold of :lol:

Their habit of jumping on my lap/shoulder :D

Catching them creeping into the kitchen (the excited clukcing gives it away!) :wink:


Worst things so far:


Having to go to work every day :cry: and leave them in their run

Poo on the kitchen floor :vom:

No eggs yet! !egg!!egg!

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Best Things - that they've become so friendly, have their own personalities and answer to their names sometimes, that they're so funny and interesting to watch, that they go to bed at night without being shouted at!, have made me want more chickens (and eggs!) so much that I'm buiding a bigger run.


Worst Things - that I worry about them so much (safety, health etc.), copious amounts of poo all over the deck, that the eglu and run are now always cleaner than my house! and despite spending a wad of money on the eglu, its platform and extra fencing we're now spending more money on the bigger run!

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best things -


they make us laugh

the way they run...hilarious

they way they always follow me in the garden

the noises they make

watching them tear into lettuce

their admiration for raisins

cleaning the eglu and making it all cosy and clean for them

and...best of all - IM THEIR MUMMY :!::D:!:


worst things -


poo on my decking

dog eating poo!

its a shame they cant wear pants - then I'd let them indoors

going away on holiday and missing them

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best things -


they make us laugh

the way they run...hilarious

they way they always follow me in the garden

the noises they make

watching them tear into lettuce

their admiration for raisins

cleaning the eglu and making it all cosy and clean for them

and...best of all - IM THEIR MUMMY :!::D:!:


worst things -


poo on my decking

dog eating poo!

its a shame they cant wear pants - then I'd let them indoors

going away on holiday and missing them


That about sums it up for me too. Other worse thing is losing one, like our Buff last week. Hurts so much but the other wonderful thing is you love them that much!


I love the knocks and chat as they hear me go down to them in the morning...quickly approaching now, and ask to be let out....I alos love that they stand in line to come out They're the best!


Lovely topic because this is what it is all about.


BBx :lol::lol::lol:

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Worst thing...... I'm with Mel on this one :wink: , they're so much fun, and so very addictive. I'm itching to get more, but am exercising self control at the moment (very difficult :oops: ).... waiting for Spring and the Mark 3 :wink:

Poo is high on the worst thing list too, as is the devastation of the garden, and the worry and distress when they get sick and if/ when they die :cry::cry: Oh, and smothering 7 of them with louse powder rates pretty high on my list of horrible jobs :oops:

Reading that makes me wonder why the heck I have them, but the absolute best has to be the way they come running to me every time I approach the door; their contented chuntering and clucking as they wander around the garden; the squirming and ecstasy of the dust bath; the eggs; their gorgeous, resilience, looking at the way my ex-batts have recovered and settled into a happy hen existence with no grudges or nasty natures; fluffy bottoms waving at me from the shrubs; delighted cackles as they pounce on unwitting worms. And their quiet dignity even when ill.

I love them :D:D:D

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Good: wierd eggs (especially when you know about the small scare the day before :lol: ), looking at me through the window and then when they see you looking...Katy's sqwarking, GNR Su's squeals, whines and cheeps, (white chicken) and when she went broody and was really fat and fluffy (white chicken) . The way they steal food from each other's beaks/dive on it to be first/run off with food so the others can't get it/fly for food above their head (white chicken) /shove the other one out of the way with a wing (white chicken)(white chicken) .

The feathers on their head look like some bad 80s haircut when they get wet and shake them :lol:The way they follow you round.


Bad: garden :shock: the money on fencing and random chicken products (green eglu):shock: poo...in the nest and lice :twisted: They are outdoors in all weathers and therefore so are you :(

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:shock: Is the mark 3 not coming out until spring now; Kate - what do you know? Tell all.......


Best things:

Watching them race up the garden towards me

Their quiet chuckling in the bushes as they hover up bugs

Chicks :D

Fluffy bottoms

Warm eggs

Chicken cuddles

The amazing amount Rosie has learned since we got our hens

The friends I have made on this forum.


Worst things:

Watching them eat a new plant that I forgot to protect with wire

Smelly poo on my patio

Losing a much loved hen :cry:

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Ohh friends...well that was one I forgot because I hoped you know that is so important to me :oops::oops::D Well done Clare :D


You'll have a wait Clare for M3 I think. Mikey was told next year as they have to concentrate on the Us and other areas before launch (money and all that!)



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:shock: Is the mark 3 not coming out until spring now; Kate - what do you know? Tell all.......



Sorry Clare, I phrased that badly, I know nothing at all about the plans for the mark 3 :( . I only wish that I did :wink:

What I meant to say is that much as I want more hens we've decided to wait for spring and the better weather, by which time I genuinely hope that the Mark 3 will be available.

But I am seeing a friend at weekend who has week old chicks..... what are the chances of me escaping there without Imogen pleading for chicks :roll:


You're so right about forum friendships being a real plus to chicken keeping, and extending that I'd like to include the fact that somehow my entire quality of life has improved. We're eating better and taking more interest in food, growing and making our own and so on...... all thanks to a couple of hens and a plastic henhouse that triggered this addiction :D


In that vein though. Bad things- Eglu bum :shock::wink:

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I forgot to say that having 2 chickens in an Eglu led us into having 6 chickens in 2 Eglus and then 8 chickens ............................


.............. and we started looking properly for a house with some land instead of just talking about it. We were so fortunate to find the property we did at the beginning of the year and now look where we are.........


......... up to our armpits in mud!!!!!! :wink::lol::D:D:D:D:D

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