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It's Today!!

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Wondered why you were up Snowy! :lol::lol:

GOOD LUCK! Have you had the terrible storm overnight? We've got branches all over the place here and our yard out the front is now a swimming pool. I do hope you've got a garden left.... but then again... once the girls arrive you won't be looking at your plants for a while... unless its to say "oh, they've eaten that plant"! :lol:

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25 minutes to go and it's tipping down - I've got to go out in that!! :shock:


Don't think we had a storm last night - at least the garden is still intact from what I can see. 8)


Hubby has kindly just reminded me that i'll be 'going out in that' every morning from now on! :roll:

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Oh Snowy I remember the excitement sooooo well. It feels like ages since we got the girls but was only July 21st. I know what you are going through!!! I waited in the bathroom so I could see the Omlet van come down the lane - he drove straight past us - 'No' I screamed. I went running up the road shouting and waving like a lunatic :lol::lol:


Enjoy your day - you will never look back!


Christian x x x

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Are they there yet?


Do we have photos??!




It tipped down the day we got our first chickens (although we had to go to a breeder as we're miles out the Omlet chicken delivery zone!), but we just stood in the rain, under the brollies, fascinated for hours!

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It's world war 3 out there at present - the tweenies have been sent into the eglu by the fimbles, who are strutting round the run like they own the place!


I don't think they realise that they also have to sleep in there tonight!


Will take piccies as soon as the dust has settled.


They are so gorgeous! :D:D:D:D


PS the boys picked the names - honest :oops:

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Well Florrie and Pom are definitely top chooks. :roll: Fizz is cowering in the eglu and won't come out, but is also having a go at anything that comes near her! :shameonu: Bella is determined she won't be kept in, so keeps coming out and is eating well. Every now and then the fimbles send her back in again, but she just chunters at them and pops back out again! Someone's tried to put Pom in her place as she has a small wound already, but it's not bothering her. Just waiting for some backup so I can get hold of her and treat it. Here are the pics so far........











Bella again (she is so photogenic!)



Haven't spent this much time in the garden for ages! :lol::lol:

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