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You might just be the man I'm looking for Phil!


Where can I get a small and tasteful nativity set?


For years my Christmas cake has been decorated with a nativity scene. The figures are about 5cm high. Last year, I just had to hope that no-one would notice Mary was missing!!! as I didn't realise until too late. A whole year has passed and she hasn't turned up, so I need a new set.


If you have any (serious!) ideas, please let me know.


We have one that (I think) came from Lakeland Plastics - I can't check, though, as thier site seems to be down..


it's the same as this one on ebay:




good luck!



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OOH must mention this, sorry its a bit off from the Advent theme


Playmobil also do chickens - Layla is getting a Playmobil Chicken Coop for Christmas (shhh don't tell her - good thing she is only 5 and can't read this). Its really cute - brown, white and black hens, a cockerel and roosting bars AND brown AND white eggs! I predict its going to be the most popular thing that Santa brings this year.

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Wooooooooooooo, hooooooooooooo :dance::dance::dance:


I got all excited building the kids Playmobil advent calender last night :D The christmas tree goes up on Sunday :D


Cool, you have a playmobil advent calender. I want it!!!! :lol:


We have 2 :oops: The girls have one each. They bring out new ones every year :D

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You might just be the man I'm looking for Phil!


Where can I get a small and tasteful nativity set?


For years my Christmas cake has been decorated with a nativity scene. The figures are about 5cm high. Last year, I just had to hope that no-one would notice Mary was missing!!! as I didn't realise until too late. A whole year has passed and she hasn't turned up, so I need a new set.


If you have any (serious!) ideas, please let me know.


We have one that (I think) came from Lakeland Plastics - I can't check, though, as thier site seems to be down..


it's the same as this one on ebay:




good luck!




Thank you! That's a bit 'cartoony' for me. I'll have to keep searching!

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Ginette, its so down to personal taste isn't it? I am very proud of mine. Here's a link to the shop where we brought it from. It is quite expensive, but I have added to it every year and we now have the full set:



I am not religious, but I do like to remember what Christmas is supposed to be about, and I love the simplicity of this.

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Annie, that is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much for posting the link and the picture. Gosh! I wish I had some money!! If I splash out on the basic nativity scene, will the other bits definitely be available next year? I'd get the shepherds next year and the wise men the year after.


So beautiful - I'm really thrilled. Thank you again!


p.s. I meant to ask you - when it says 'height = 24.0' is that cms?

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Ginette wrote:


Where can I get a small and tasteful nativity set?


For years my Christmas cake has been decorated with a nativity scene.


This one is too big for a cake but its great fun and fab for little ones.




We bought a similar one for church last year and used it as a travelling crib. On Advent Sunday Mary, Joseph and the donkey were sent off on a journey round the parish. They went home with one of the congregation members and the next day they were taken by that person to stay with another family. When the travellers arrived at a house they were invited in, had a short service (a couple of prayers & a carol) and were offered some refreshments by the host. This continued each night until Christmas Eve.


The rest of the set was kept in church. I set up a couple of small tables and covered one with brown fabric - the stable, empty crib, cow & horse were on this; on the other we created a hillside (green sheet over egg boxes) and the shepherds and there sheep waited there. On Christmas Eve Mary, Joseph & the donkey (who the children decided should be called Dave) arrived in church at the crib service. We put them by the stable, placed Jesus in the crib & the shepherds then arrived from the hillside.


The kings & their camel began on a windowsill at the back of church & each Sunday there was great excitement as everyone looked to see how far they had progressed on there journey. They arrived at the stable on Epiphany.


It was good fun - I even received a postcard and an e-mail from Mary & Joseph as they journeyed!



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We bought a similar one for church last year and used it as a travelling crib. On Advent Sunday Mary, Joseph and the donkey were sent off on a journey round the parish. They went home with one of the congregation members and the next day they were taken by that person to stay with another family. When the travellers arrived at a house they were invited in, had a short service (a couple of prayers & a carol) and were offered some refreshments by the host. This continued each night until Christmas Eve.


The rest of the set was kept in church. I set up a couple of small tables and covered one with brown fabric - the stable, empty crib, cow & horse were on this; on the other we created a hillside (green sheet over egg boxes) and the shepherds and there sheep waited there. On Christmas Eve Mary, Joseph & the donkey (who the children decided should be called Dave) arrived in church at the crib service. We put them by the stable, placed Jesus in the crib & the shepherds then arrived from the hillside.


The kings & their camel began on a windowsill at the back of church & each Sunday there was great excitement as everyone looked to see how far they had progressed on there journey. They arrived at the stable on Epiphany.


It was good fun - I even received a postcard and an e-mail from Mary & Joseph as they journeyed!




This is fantastic a really unique way of getting everyone in the church involved!

I love it! :D:D:D:D:D

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p.s. I meant to ask you - when it says 'height = 24.0' is that cms?


Yes cms: its not really meant for cake decorations: Its a proper nativity scene made from pottery, but I just love it and in the first year, when I just had Mary, Joseph and the animals I just put Mary and the baby on top of the cake, along with the stars, which MIL bought me for that Christmas. It looked stunning!

Don't think there's room for the camel though! :wink:

Its been around for a few years: I have been collecting it for 4 years now, so I don't see why they would stop.

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I still love your set Annie, but OH was a bit shocked at the price! I'll work on it!


Phil, that is the set I have! (except Mary has run away!) Maybe I'll get another set then? OH would feel happier I think.


Thank you to everyone for looking for me!

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I still love your set Annie, but OH was a bit shocked at the price! I'll work on it!


Phil, that is the set I have! (except Mary has run away!) Maybe I'll get another set then? OH would feel happier I think.


Thank you to everyone for looking for me!


there's more than one of that set on ebay..


there's a buy-it-now offer with free postage (for those who don't like auctions!)





get another one - you can have two Joseph's fighting over the one Mary - and six kings (the Bible never said there were three...) :wink:



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My crib is a knitted one made for a charity for the Deaf in Peru.


I had my arm twisted to buy it by a mad nun at a Christmas fair last year.


Its a bit unusual as all the figures are dressed in Peruvian costume.


I rather surprised myself when I bought it as I am not usually one for religious imagery...but then again Sister Determination wasn't taking no for an answer.


Anyway the money went to a good cause. :roll:

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Phil, I have instructed my brother (my personal eBay agent!) to bid on the set but not to go higher than the buy-it-now set. Either way, I am getting one!


Karen - when I get it I could send you a spare sheep!!

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