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Is there such a thing as enviromently friendly de-icer?


We had freezing temperatures here last night and I used half a bottle of de-icer on the car this morning. I would like to use something with fewer chemicals in it.


I have got an ice s"Ooops, word censored!"er but want something a bit faster working :roll::D

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I'm afraid I resort to cardboard or newspaper over the windscreen when frost is forecast. Or I s"Ooops, word censored!"e it with one of the best presents I ever got for my Christmas (many years ago now!), a s"Ooops, word censored!"er that came attached to a glove!


The cardboard doesn't look pretty, but it certainly does the job!

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Does soap or washing up liquid work if you put it on before the frost can freeze the screen?


I have just had to move my car and found a cloth I was given which is impregnated with something which is supposed to stop frost and ice on glass. I have just wiped it over all the windows, as it is quite cold but wet here. I also have one for fogging and misting on the inside and that cloth works quite well so far, as my car is old and the heater is not fully functional.


As long as we don't get rain and we do get a frost I will be able to report back on the cloth progress!

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:) Yes, I do the hot water (never boiling!) on the windows & wonder why I spent years scaping when this is so simple. However, if it's too cold, the water will freeze into solid ice before you drive off, so it needs assessing. Last time I did this, I decided having the wipers goping would help, which it did, but I stood in the way & got soaked. :roll::lol:
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If you do use warm water dont forget that if it is VERY cold the water will run off the car, onto the drive and possibly re-freeze - causing a potential slipping hazard (and dont forget that posties and milkmen and paper boys may be coming up your drive whilst it is dark)

Last year Paul had a really nasty slip on a patch of ice caused by over zealous windscreen clearing and it was only because he wears a cycle helmet that stopping him from having a nasty head injury.















(can you tell I am married to a postie :wink: )

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Forgot to mention the most effective, and least energetic method of windscreen defrosting I have ever come across.


Sending chookiehubbie out with the s"Ooops, word censored!"er, and make him do it....... :wink::lol:

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My poor brother has for many years worked weird shifts that often see him leaving the house in the wee small hours. In winter he always makes a hot water bottle when he first wakes up and puts it on the dash board of his car. He then goes back in and has breakfast etc. By the time he is ready for driving off the heat from inside the car has thawed the ice enough to make it easy to s"Ooops, word censored!"e and he gets a nice warm hot water bottle for his lap.

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My poor brother has for many years worked weird shifts that often see him leaving the house in the wee small hours. In winter he always makes a hot water bottle when he first wakes up and puts it on the dash board of his car. He then goes back in and has breakfast etc. By the time he is ready for driving off the heat from inside the car has thawed the ice enough to make it easy to s"Ooops, word censored!"e and he gets a nice warm hot water bottle for his lap.


How very clever! That would give the heater a head start on the inside of the screen too!

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In winter he always makes a hot water bottle when he first wakes up and puts it on the dash board of his car. He then goes back in and has breakfast etc. By the time he is ready for driving off the heat from inside the car has thawed the ice enough to make it easy to s"Ooops, word censored!"e and he gets a nice warm hot water bottle for his lap.


That brings back memories!!! Years ago I had a really old mini called Winston. The drive to work was 24 miles and the heater would just start working as I pulled into the car park! :roll:


I always had a hot water bottle in my car and a blanket over my legs :lol:


A friend of mine poured hot water on his windscreen and the whole thing cracked, so beware!!!!

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Thanks for all the tips :D


On the subject of keeping warm, I bought a pair of hand warmers the other day from Aldi £1.99.


They are little bags of liquid which you activate by cracking a metal strip inside. The liquid gets warm and turns to a jelly. The heat last for about an hour. To re activate you boil the bags for 10 minutes and then crack the metal strip again.


My hands are toasty warm now when I take the dogs for a walk :D

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On the subject of keeping warm, I bought a pair of hand warmers the other day from Aldi £1.99.


My hands are toasty warm now when I take the dogs for a walk :D


Hmm! I'll look out for some of these. Don't have an Aldi near me. Any ideas? Ebay?... off to look....


Is this the idea?


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