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River Cottage New Series...

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It was a great show but did anyone else find it :vom: when HFW ate the porridge out of the cow's trough?


Yes. I thought it looked like quite a slobbery animal and I couldn't believe he scooped up the food!


Did I spy an egg skelter when he was making the pear cake? OOPs - I just noticed the egg skelter has its own thread!



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It was a great show but did anyone else find it :vom: when HFW ate the porridge out of the cow's trough?


Yes, I watch cows eat most days and I wouldn't go anywhere near their slobbery leftovers.....not that ours ever leave any of their cow muesli...... :D


I couldn't watch the diving either - I played with the puppy and faced the floor!

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I love River cottage & would like to go there, has anyone been?

Someone on here went for a weeks work experience 8) - forgotten their username though :roll:


Have sky +'d it and will watch it later ... might hint to the parentals that we need a bantam egg skelter :)

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The free diving bit made me feel funny too. I don't like the idea of diving anyway, but without air! No thank Hugh :wink:


I missed the pear cake recipe, but it did look good, and by the looks of him eating it, it tasted good too. I'm also glad he was highlighting the perry versus pear flavoured fizzy alcohol. I really like perry but made the mistake of buying some of the Magners one. :vom: It tasted to me like cheap apple cider. I remember having perry many years ago when I was a teen, and possibly before and it was gorgeous. The kids watched it with us but didn't like the meat stew he made. ED thought it was disrespectful for people to eat animals heart or brains.

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