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I was horrified to find a couple of fleas on Chillis ears last night.

I picked them off & squished them,then gave him a spray with some flea sprey I found in the cupboard - he was NOT amused, & sulked for the rest of the evening.


I am a bit cross, as when we had Pip she wore a flea collar & never had a flea.I changed it every 6 weeks like clockwork.

With Chilli the vet recommended Frountline Combo which are drops you put on the back of the neck & no flea collar as you are not supposed to do both.I bought a years worth at considerable expense & have been regularly doing him on the first of every month......& he gets a flea :roll:


Just wondered what everyone else did?

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My cat, Henry, wears a flea collar all the time and only gets treated with Frontline or something if i actually find a flea. We think he picks them up from the scraggy cat next door. When we got our bucket of Diatom, the accompanying leaflet said that you could rub in to the pets fur and sprinkle on their bedding, its supposed to be good for fleas.


I'm assuming that we are talking about a dog or cat!! :)

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I think the Frontline combo treatment contains something to stop any new flea eggs hatching so you shouldn't have an infestation! Could Chilli have picked up fleas from elsewhere? They could just be passengers and the Frontline means they should die pretty quickly anyway. Hope so anyway. :)

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That's right Jools; the Frontline Combi will only kill them when they have BITTEN the animal, it also renders them sterile so that you don't get any flea colonies in the house. Both my cats tend to be flea magnets, so they have Frontline and flea collars - they don't get fleas now!


The vet says that you can extend the Frontline to every 6 weeks rather than just 4, but buy it online - it's tons cheaper than from the vet!

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Clare, I bet you knew I was going to ask this, but where online do you get it from?


My vet said that frountline & flea collars shouldn't be used together,but I think I might slap one on him anyhow.

Shame,as I have just bought him the mose adorable silver glitter collar with dingly dangly bits from Accessorize 8)


One thing that confuses me is that the Frountline goes on the skin on the back of the neck,yet the little fleas were on his ears....so how would it kill them?

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Thats odd.

I have looked & looked & they all say the Combo one is prescription only - you need to fax them the prescription before they will take an order.

Doesn't matter - its still cheaper & I can get the vet to write one out.


The normal non-combo one is non-prescription though :?

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Your vet will charge more than the difference to write a prescription Sarah :evil:


It is dodgy ground here as there is an ethics thing with vets where they will only treat an animal in emergency if it is registered with another vet :roll:


Frontline breaks the lifecycle by stopping them reproducing so they will still get fleas I would use a collar as well because if they get bitten it increases the chances of them getting tapeworm :roll:

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We've just switched from Frontline Combo to Advantix for our two dogs as it provides better protection against ticks, which are rife here.


So I have one sachet of Frontline Combo for dogs 2kg - 10kg going spare If anyone is interested, pls pm me.





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One of my cats has a flea allergy and even though I'm on the ball with Frontline spot-on he still gets flea dirt on him. My vet says you need to spray the carpets too as because we all have central heating now they don't get killed off. If you have fish though you need to cover the tank because it will kill them too! :shock:

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Using either the new Frontline Combi or Program plus a flea treatment like a collar will stop the fleas making a home and breeding in your home.


My vet says that using the new Frontline means that i don't need to use both a flea treatment AND Program as it does the job of both. But being a bit paranoid and becasue my cats are flea magnets, I use Frontline and collars.

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