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What's your most favourite book?

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What's your most favourite book - just let us know one or we will never get to the end of the posting.


Mine is "Love among the chickens" by PG Wodehouse - I think it's hilarious - its about setting up a business with eggs/chickens. It makes me laugh out loud everytime I read it. :lol::lol::lol:

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The Country Child by Alison Uttley.


Have read it a million times. First read it when I was eleven, and must have read it every year since.


A lovely tale of an only child growing up on a Yorkshire farm in the 1880s.


I absolutely love it.


(Second favourite book in the universe is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee....I've read that many times too.)

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At the moment its probably "The Red Tent" by Anita Diamant.


Its a fictional account of the life of Dinah,the daughter of Jacob in the Bible.

It is an extraordinary book, one that draws me in each time I read it.

As a non-believer I nearly didn't buy this book,thinking I would not enjoy it,but it is so wonderful.


Runners up would be "Memoirs of a Geisha","Life of Pi" & "The catcher in the Rye"

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Just one?! I can't pick just one! I got 'Gone With The Wind' as a joke for my 14th birthday, read it and was amazed - I loved it! My copy is now dog-eared and has been in many countries, as it always goes on holiday with me. 'To Kill A Mockingbird' as well - it was one of the books we hd to read for O Grade English, and I loved it, ad it's another dog-eared book that goes everywhere. For a bit of froth, I'll devour any Marian Keyes book with a day or two.

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Mine is Gone with the Wind too. I think. But it might be Dr Zhivago. Interesting that To Kill a Mockingbird and the Catcher in the Rye have cropped up a few times already.


Not sure if I am allowed to do this but have any of you romantic novel readers have read Welcome to the Real World by Carole Matthews you might like to know that she has just been shortlisted for the Romantic Novel of the Year award - if you would like to vote for her, here is the link:




She is a friend and I am biased, but it is a really good holiday read. Her latest is The Chocolate Lovers' Club which might appeal to a few chocolate lovers on here....

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The Stand by Stephen King :shock:


It has to be the complete and uncut edition it is fab 8)


It is about a deadly form af the flu virus that the scientists have been tinkering with which is 99.9% fatal and oops it escapes - careless :shock:


I think I love it because it is scarily true :?

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