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Oh nice, Sarah. You do like your bad boys don't you :wink:


Didn't realise you mingled with the stars in your local Tesco's! I hope he managed to buy his jam without swearing about it!


I was in the queue for the toilet behind Sally Webster from Corrie not so long back at our local motorway services. I felt like elbowing the person behind me to tell them! :lol:

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Oh nice, Sarah. You do like your bad boys don't you :wink:



The Hubby was a bit of a bad boy when we first met - long hair,leather jacket etc.

But he turned out to be a good boy.....& it has always been a disappointment to me :lol::wink:

So I stalk rock stars in the jams & spreads aisle of my local Tesco now instead :lol:


By the way,Liam has moved into the village next to mine, & by all accounts he is generally found in Waitrose rather than Tesco 8)


Boris Johnson was in Waitrose last week, & Anthony Womble-Thompson,but I wasn't nearly as star struck seeing them :wink:

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About a month ago I was queueing to pay for petrol at the Te**o's Service Station on Abbeydale Road when I realised that the tall chap in front of me was Michael Vaughn......another customer clocked him and enquired about his knee. He attracted a bit of a crowd, and was really lovely with everyone, laughing and joking.


He's very easy on the eye in the flesh so to speak, girls! :oops::lol:

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I once discussed the merits of organic veg with Zak Dingle's wife in Sainsbury's


I bumped into her the other day in Stratford after the farmers market! LITERALLY. I wasn't watching where I was walking and I was with my mate and we both looked at each other and thought THAT'S THE ONE OFF EMMERDALE! She had to scurry around us, as we were completly stationary!

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It is thrilling Martin.

Apparantly Orlando Bloom was in Henley about a month ago & had some lunch in Pizza Express :D

I would have loved to have seen him,just to impress the daughters 8)


Its a bit like Celeb-on-Thames here.....there are lots of them about.

I saw "the lovely" Debbie Mcgee in the garden centre a few weeks ago, & John Humphries & Jeremy Paxman in town too. John Hannah sat next to us at Zizzis last year.I once served Kylie in the shop I used to run.


But Liam Gallagher is in a different league for me - a true rock star :P

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Spent all day yesterday in shops (searching for tiles, flooring, taps.... for new kitchen) didn't bump into anyone famous :(:( Perhaps they don't hang out at MFI and Homebase :wink::wink:


Although you sometimes find quite a few famous actors in Chichester when the Summer Season is in full swing :D:D

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I bumped into her the other day in Stratford after the farmers market!


Was that the day we were with you Martin? Did we miss her :roll:


I agree Sarah. Liam is a total different ball game to Debbie Mcgee!! I sort of group him with the Kurt Cobains of this world.


Pam - it's Wilko's you want :wink:

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No, "Ooops, word censored!"ody like that I'm afraid...although Robbie Williams did come and look at a place about 1/2 a mile away..... :?


Zoe Wannamaker, Penelope Wilton and Ian Holme are our neighbours. They don't all live together..... :oops: (Ian and Penny are partners) and Zoe lives in another house.

None of them are around much.... weekenders :evil::twisted:

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I've only ever really bumped into the chemical brothers (well shared a box at the albert hall) and met blur briefly. I did go to school with quite a few london footballers kids but never met them. They obviously never did the school run. Slebs don't seem to come to this part of the world. Except of course Stephen Fry, I think I would faint if I bumped into him.

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Oh, Stephen Fry is my absolute all-time fave. I have almost worn out my QI DVD! I think he's just brilliant.



I grew up with Lee Sharp (Manu Footballer) He lived on our estate round the corner from our house, and his cousin lived next-door-but-three to us. We lost touch and made new friends when he went to a different school to me at 11. I don't remember much about him now, but Mum says we played together regularly with the other kids on our patch.


His parents haven't long moved out.


That s a good claim to fame isn't it! :D

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I've not met many famous people, but I've met Kevin, (can't remember surname, but he used to be one of the cook's on Can't cook won't cook and ready steady cook) when we were on holiday in Shropshire when I was about 5!


Also I've met Bill Bryson. This was at my sister's graduation-he is so funny! He's chancellor or something for Durham university!

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I bumped into her the other day in Stratford after the farmers market!


Was that the day we were with you Martin? Did we miss her :roll:


I agree Sarah. Liam is a total different ball game to Debbie Mcgee!! I sort of group him with the Kurt Cobains of this world.


Pam - it's Wilko's you want :wink:


No it was the one after you came!

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