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Mystery visitor

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Went out to let the girls out and on the ground between the two Eglu's was a Burberry deerstalker type hat!!


No one at Egluntine Towers would dream of wearing a Deerstalker. I am pleased to report that no-one would wear Burberry either.


Him Indoors suggested that maybe that vile specimen John McCrirrick had taken to hen rustling.


Very odd. SHould I dial 999?

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It was quite windy, maybe it just blew in with the wind? :?

I was going to suggest you set a trap with some bling as bait. :roll:


It must have been the wind.....but none of our near neighbours have little yappy dogs....those that do have dogs have "proper" ones.



Anyone got a shell suit for me to wrap the bling in?

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Update...Had a proper look at it.....it's not a hat....it's a dog's coat!!!






Lesley!!! You've not been making poor Jazz wear a Burberry doggie coat, have you???!! :lol::lol::lol:

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Update...Had a proper look at it.....it's not a hat....it's a dog's coat!!!






Lesley!!! You've not been making poor Jazz wear a Burberry doggie coat, have you???!! :lol::lol::lol:


Now look here!.......... I only went out for the day and look what people have been calling me! :shock:


......... and Jazz only does PINK! :roll::wink:

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After all this time....an update and mystery solved.


Youngest son called me this afternoon and said "I must be hallucinating....there's a cat in the garden and I'm sure it was wearing a Burberry jacket!"


I went out and the hens were boc bocking at something in the bushes. I dashed in and grabbed the camera and took a picture although it isn't brilliant and he scarpered before I could take another.


But it is a cat and he is definitely wearing a Burberry jacket!!


How utterly naff.


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