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Not easy being green!

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Just had a call from the chairman of our parish council that 'allotment' owners are up in arms at us because we haven't prepared our allotment :oops::shock:


I had no idea there was any time limit to preparing it and we have been so busy. I wanted to cry (many reasons i guess) I wanted to say stuff it actually, don't you know what a day it's been.


Will discuss with Michael but I don't want to 'belong' if that's what it's like...Not nice and friendly and green at all :( What reception will we get anyway, feel bullied :(


Me being silly, her words were not thought out I suppose :?



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I am assuming you have to pay for the allotment :?


Is it covered in weeds :roll:


That is the only thing I can imagine them being upset about because weed will be starting to produce seeds about now which could then get onto their plots but if you pay for the space then surely it is up to you :evil:

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Yes,that is why they are upset.It happened to us too :oops:

I did say stuff it,& we have done raised beds in the garden instead.

Annoyingly,ours was as weedy as when we took it over,then with one thing & another it got left & we never did clear it. :roll:

Our had a clause that said we were meant to keep it maintained,& I know others have this too. But,ours hadn't been maintained in the first place (far from it - it was full of rusty metal things),so that is what annoyed me really.


Don't take it to heart.You are having a rough day & that always makes things like this seem worse.

There is a great sense of commuinity sprit amoungst most Allotment holders, & I am sure they will give you a bit more time to get yourselfs sorted out :D

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Doesn't sound like its been handled very well. As you say, she did not know that you are feeling a bit fragile today but 'up in arms' sounds a bit extreme.


If there is a waiting list for the allotments they might be trying to sound out if you intend to use it or not?


Don't let it get you down. Think about it later in the week.

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Thanks decided to let them have it back, we won't enjoy it now with this feeling and I am not going to rush down to make it good under pressure. I did say i understood they take it seriously but perhaps a more pleasant 'Please could you clear your plot' may have been helpful.


I was very nice to her don't want a bad reputation.


Anyway there we go, don't want to go on the most wanted poster





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but perhaps a more pleasant 'Please could you clear your plot' may have been helpful.

I agree. It's their attitude, and the fact no-one mentioned anything before e.g., by the way did you know there was a clause, blah blah blah, and it escalating without you even knowing.

I'm sorry about your bad day, and if I missed you posting about it.

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I think this happens quite often. Our parish council allocated 1/2 of ours ours to someone else because it was only about 1/3 cultivated (we'd been given a plot twice as big as we wanted). We only found out when we noticed someone had moved our manure heap. I rang and made it very clear I had a large number of fruit bushes on the other half that I wanted to retain and was assured that 1/2 would remain ours. A few months later the c@w gave that 1/2 away as well without telling us. Lost black currants, red currants, white currants, rhubarb and lots of raspberry canes. :evil: No clauses in the rental agreement on ke4eping under cultivation but they have not sent an invoice to enable us to renew out rental.


Only about 1/4 of the plots are under cultivation so plenty of other plots to give instead of ours...


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Oh Bufie - what a day you're having! I think you've done right giving them the allotment back. You don't want people like that in your life!

When I got married - we had a Hindu wedding ( although neither of us are Indian ) - just liked the way of things. Anyway, we both had to write 7 promises to each other on a scroll, then walk round the fire ( offering it gifts) & saying one promise to each other at a time. One of my husbands to me was - I promise to protect you from undesirable people'! And by god he has! You see I had quite a ugh past...bullied, bad relationships, nasty bosses, cruel friends etc. So if I allow someone a bit 'undesirable' in my life, hubby makes sure I put them in there place and they are soon out of it as quickly as they came into it. Sounds crazy, but I have to admit we do have a little world of our own & only really honoured & special people are allowed in it, hence I haven't yet found my best friend! :oops: ( and I'm 33). So knickers to the allotment people - or should that be pants? :wink:


Anyway Bufie, get a nice glass of wine & chill & do something you love for the rest of the evening - you need it.



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Oh yes - my hubby of course! :doh:


But apart from that, no one else. But saying that I read in a magazine that you don't find your real best friend until you are between 30 & 40 years of age! Got a while yet then! he he


Plus there are loads of friends on here. Anyone that understands chickens is a friend of mine!!!



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