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Helly Welly

Johannes just rang......

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....and said would i agree to be interviewed by the Sunday Times regarding urban chicken keeping? :shock:


I agreed, hopefully it will make people realise what great pets chickens are and they'll be less inclined to buy cheap chicken.


Unfortunately i am now absolutely terrified!!!!! I've never been interviewed for anything in my life and, shock horror, they may send a photographer!!


I hate having my photo taken :oops:


My main concern is that my chooks are in a large run now, rather than the eglu runs, do you think i'll need to put them in the old runs for the photos. I've emailed Johannes to see what he thinks, i don't mind putting the eglus back together, just not sure how i'll explain the large run sitting in the corner of the garden!!

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Mmmm - a tricky one - i can see how people reading might then ask - if the omlet run is big enough - why is there a bigger run over there!


let us know how it goes!



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Johannes looked in the survey section of the forum, i think at the "what do you do with your eggs" poll and saw that we sell a lot of ours and the journalist was looking at it from a mini-business angle. We got an order for 30 eggs today, thank goodness, as the fridge is full!

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Mmmm - a tricky one - i can see how people reading might then ask - if the omlet run is big enough - why is there a bigger run over there!





Nice to see you posting again Revnev...you've gone quiet of late...except for football of course :roll:

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Mmmm - a tricky one - i can see how people reading might then ask - if the omlet run is big enough - why is there a bigger run over there!





Nice to see you posting again Revnev...you've gone quiet of late...except for football of course :roll:



Don't worry Revnev, i knew what you meant! :lol:

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How exciting...they are doing really well with publicity :D Fancy a mention of BHWT


BBx :D


good idea!! and could you mention Bolton Wanderers while you're at it? :wink:



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Buffie, i was going to buy a BHWT t-shirt to wear but i can't see the size i want on the website.


Johannes says that it would be better to have the original runs for the photo, OH says that we can say the large run is because we are getting more chickens but i thnik i'll simply say that we thought they should be in their original runs for the photo so people know what they are getting when they buy an Eglu. :)


Oh, and thanks guys, i'm totally panicking about what to wear now. :shock:


Mind you, the journalist is yet to ring........

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Think positively and it will happen


Enjoy your bit of fame, you lucky thing


Have a good time and best of luck




From me too. Let us know when its in and what section, if possible (since the last article took ages to find).

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