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Why did you pick your chicken names?

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We have

- Porsche, Audi, Bugatti and Mercedes after cars.

- Hazelnut and Chestnut after nuts.

- Noodle and Cracker after food (Chicken Noodle and Prawn Cracker)

- Ginger, Nutty and Ranger after their breed of chicken...

- Rocky also after her breed of chicken

- Snowball because she's white

- Freckle because she's speckled

- Finally, Betty because we liked the name.

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We have 4 kids and are very democratic (about some things!) so we have complicated vote system where we all proffer 2 names for each new chicken and everyone gets to vote twice but not for their own names! the most popular wins. Hence the rather random names: Omar, Diego, Iggy, Snowball, Ruby, Pumpkin, Custard, Edith, Bubbles, Mushu, Charlie....no pattern at all but great fun! :D

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I had Laverne and Shirley originally (after the TV show - a spin off from the Fonz I think, I used to watch it instead of revising for my A-levels years ago). Then Beatrice and Ramona after the Beverly Cleary books I read as a child (incidentally they made a film of them this year - Beezus and Ramona). We're considering names for our next acquisitions at the moment, with input from the kids. Personally I quite like Stacey and Nessa but we'll see!

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It depends what I am up to at the time.

We got Spice girls tickets the day before I collected my first girls so we named them Scary, Sporty, Ginger, etc.

We have lotus cars (not that I have one), tv chefs, pop stars, footballers, teletubbies, chocolate, gemstones, etc.

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I named my chickens in numerical order which starts with Chicken 1 upto Chicken 7. Although they have over time gained unofficial names, the Black rocks are called 'Big black rock' and 'Little black rock'. The 2 Columbine's are 'Big momma' (shes always broody and the largest) and 'Panic' because you go anywhere near her, even look like your going in her direction and she panics and runs and the Coral white is called 'White chicken'.

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We got our first chickens in October as a treat for my mum who had been in hospital with Leukemia. We got seven bantams of various breeds. We called them Emmeline, Clementine, Faith, Hope, Charity, Poppy and Marigold.


Emmeline and Clementine because I liked the names. Faith, Hope and Charity were my mum's suggestions for personal reasons, and my sister named her two after mature lady names. They all have nicknames now, of course! Marigold is now Piglet, for obvious reasons, and Charity is now called.... T. Rex!

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Originally had 3 orpingtons - Apache, Sioux and Cheyenne (I like the old west and as I had long plaits I was never the cowboy at school). Cheyenne died after hatching her chicks which were named by my daughter - Squirt, Tipsy and Jiu Jiu (who turned out to be a boy and so he was dispatched one day and roasted). I hasten to add she will not be asked to name the next ones. Then we adopted Egg Lou's babes and they already had names - we had to change one because the black silkie was also called Squirt, so she is now called Kitty (because that's the nearest we'll ever get to a cat in this household). Her pekins were called Mercedes, Mini and Skye.


Now they don't all get called by their original name - Mini sometimes gets called Minmin or Spotty Minnie Bannister (one of the Goons characters). Mercedes is shortened to Sadie, Apache is referred to as Patch, Sioux is called Piggy Sioux, and Squirt now gets called a lot of expletives because she's the hen from hell. Thinking of renaming her Psycho or Terrordactyl after drawing blood on both my arms today. Or maybe Corky because if she does it again I'll stick a cork on her beak so help me! :twisted: I'm kidding. Space Chick kindly sent me a bumper bit that may be used in the very near future. Which reminds me - her birds aren't really dead, they are alive and well but in a different time zone. :wink:

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Our three Light Sussex Bantams are Korma, Kiev and Casserole (we are holding on to Coronation, Curry and Chasseur until next time!) I just have a very warped sense of humour and wanted to hencourage egg production!!!! :whistle::whistle: Reactions are either 'Oh my god, how could you, that cruel!' to hysterical laughter!

(green eglu)

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