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I'm looking at getting three more chickens but i can't decide what type.

I have decided on a few things if I can get all the of them then great


First thing is I'm definitely going for a silver laced wyandotte (not bantam)


The other things I would like are

a blue/grey chicken

one that lays chocolate eggs

one that lays blue/green eggs


Now I think I may go for a copper black maran for the choclate eggs unless anyone has any other suggestions.


For the blue/green eggs + grey chicken I was looking at either a silver legbar or a lavender araucana. Again unless anyones got any other ideas.


Please help me decide I'm hopeless at decision making

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def the maran, ours was susch a lovely temprement


the lavendar arucana is quite a scary bird, looks wise, ours always seems to be watching me and plotting....but i can recommend the cotswold legbar for a grey aswell, very very pretty. I've just hatched 2 more chicks actually, one is a pure grey and one is a throw back white with a slight grey tinge.

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How about lavender Araucana for your blue/grey chicken + you'll get blue/green eggs.


The Marans for the chocolate eggs (I've got lovely dark Wheaten Marans eggs in the incy).


A Cream Legbar or Shetland for more blue/green eggs :D .

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:?:lol: I'd start the other way around; what stocks do your local suppliers have? Although, obviously helpful to have done research too. Round here it's hard to get anything other than "browns" unless you're in the right place at the right time. Hopefully you will find more of a range, but don't set your heart on something & then not be able to find it. :)
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If you're going to hatch silver-laced Wyandottes bear in mind they are much slower to feather up and give away any sexing clues, than any of the other breeds I've hatched. My 6 are 6 weeks old and only one has the beginnings of a pea comb. Tricky :? .

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I think before you decide you should contact your local suppliers to see what they have and what their temperaments are otherwise you might be disappointed if you have set your heart on a breed and then find there aren't any around locally. I find when I see what the breeder has I usually fall in love with one that I had not even thought about before.

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I think before you decide you should contact your local suppliers to see what they have and what their temperaments are otherwise you might be disappointed if you have set your heart on a breed and then find there aren't any around locally. I find when I see what the breeder has I usually fall in love with one that I had not even thought about before.


I'm getting eggs and hacthing them. I'm going to try ebay, I know its not been great for some other people but as long as I get a couple I'll be happy. Maybe the uk should have the quivelent of


Definitely getting the wyandotte and I think I'v eplumped for the maran. Its just between the legbar and the araucana now.

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