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We've recently noticed a large number of houseflies entering the house. We wondered whether this might be related to our 3 hens in the top half of the back garden who do their business all over the grass. or it could just be due to the warm weather.


Has anyone else noticed this in their garden/house? If it's due to the hens combined with the warm weather, is there any way of dealing with the flies, such as by sweeping up the hens' waste or by using some kind of product?

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Hi Mark. I wouldn't think 3 hens would increase the flies so as you would notice. Its more likely at this time of year to be somebody spreading maunre nearby.


Lots of people sprinkle citronella in their poop trays which supposedly helps.

I just make sure the tray is emptied regularly, and use Aubiose in there, which does dry the poops out remarkably well.


As mine don't free range, I don't have the problem of poops on the lawn. Not sure what you can do about this, but I am sure somebody will come along with a great idea very soon! :D

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I've noticed a big increase in flies too recently.

The hemcore in the run and Eglu has prevented flies settling in there but there seem to be alot around our grass and patio from the hens freeranging.

We have tried to keep ontop of the poops when the hens are freeranging by scooping them up and spraying with the hose. But to be honest, they poop soooo much, it would require someone to be outside constantly to clean them up as they go, which just isn't practical.

I'm still trying to work out a solution to the problem before the neighbours start noticing and/or complaining about the rapidly increasing fly population.

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In my last house I had a large purpose-built chicken run, and five chickens right outside my kitchen door, and I can assure you that I never saw an increase in flies due to the chickens. :D

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I must admit I've noticed a lot more of the green bluebottle type flies about lately. Can't believe it is just my chooks though! They seem to be on the flowers, round the pond, not just where the chooks are. In fact there are very few near the chooks run due to some strategically placed citronella oil under the sun shade! :lol:


So I don't think it's the chickens, or am I just deluded? :?

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Yes, it's the green bluebottle type that seem to be mass producing in my garden!

I am not saying that it is due to my my hens, but I really don't want my neighbours to think it's the hens fault. :shock:

It is hard to tell the cause as similar to yourself Snowey, the flies are around our plants and shrubs but then they also congregate on any chicken poop lying around :vom:

Maybe I should spray citronella over the whole garden :)

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I havent noticed an increase here, and we've had our chooks nearly a year and its quite warm down here.


We also use hemcore in the run (which has citronella in it) and also ensure the girls are regularly cleaned out and we've just started using Citronella on kitchen roll in the droppings tray (as there were some small little flies in there occasionally) and also on some kitchen roll under the winter/summer shade and it really does work.


With any chicken poo in the garden, I wash it away with the hosepipe quite quickly after its been poo'ed....cos otherwise the dog eats it !! :oops::shock:


I dont think the extra flies are to do with your chickens though, but I understand your concerns/your neighbours .

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I've noticed increase in really fat, bluebottles just today in fact. Been hot here today and so lots of windows open and when a big buzzy one gets in the house you notice it. I noticed lots of little blue flys congregating on the chick poo on the lawn today, but then when it was dull and rainy few days ago they were not there. So I will be monitoring this one too, as I'm also new to this chicken keeping lark. Hopefully it's just time of year and weather. I did notice an increase in flies last year early summer and didn't have chooks then.

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Funnily enough I've noticed a lot of Blue Bottles yesterday - mainly around the chickens (poop). But as they arn't free ranging yet I can't see the chickens increasing the fly population.


They eat anything that moves and are constantly jumping up to catch flys. So any fly eggs layed in you know what, I feel will develop into a nice treat for the ladies.

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We suffer from flies as live surrounded by fields and farms. Esp bad when they are muck spreading! :vom:


Just been to Lidl and they are selling fly screens for doors at £2.99. Bit of a faff to put up but working so far!

The gilrs are at the bottom of the garden and there are a couple of flies around, but no more than the rest of the garden. Have been using citronella in the droppings tray and run and it seems to be working! :D


laverne is always chasing the flies and does eat them! :D

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