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Scott Walker

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Have just sat open mouthed watching the last 15 mins of Imagine on BBC1.


Saw that it was about Scott Walker...who I used to lust after a million years ago when I was a teenager. "The Sun Aint Gonna Shine Anymore" , No Regrets etc.


Well I don't know what has happened in the intervening years but the expression as mad as a box of frogs springs to mind.


Has aged quite nicely though in the looks dept.

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Don't worry about those cheeky young whippersnappers Egluntine - I know who he is and I bet if you hummed something they would too. I bet they have all 'smooched' to one of his records at a wedding or something. (does use of the word 'smooch' show my age too?)


Do you have a 'now' pic????

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He has gone veeeeerrrrry odd and his singing can only be described as catterwauling.


He had a very different voice to the run of the mill....but now he misuses it appallingly.


He brings out an album about once a decade now.


That is more than enough.

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