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Don't know whee you can find white chocolate digestives, just wanted to say how jealous I am that you are off to the Gosse fair.

I am originaly form Nottinghamshire and I love the Goose fair. All those great rides and side shows.

Do you still get mushy peas and mint sauce, cock on a stick, novelty balloons and dressed dolls?

The best bit was when it was dark and all the fairground rides where twinkling. Enjoy yourself, wish I could join you.



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yup cock on stick and big ball balloons.


mushy peas and mint sauce are still every other stall, but i think i am the only person on the planet who does not like pea's. yuck, and they smell even worse when mixed with mint sauce.


it opens at 5.30 today and for the 1st time its opening on sunday afternoon.


coconus shy here i come.


i'm sure you will be there in spirit!


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Well , as I remember them they were a lot larger when I was a child :shock: and actually looked liked cockerels :?

Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me, or maybe because my hands were smaller then many, many years ago the cock on a stick looked bigger to me :)

Just read that paragraph back to myself and realised I sound like my Granny talking. I must be getting old :( . Well not that old.

Hope you had a good time and enjoy eating your sweet, hope you are not sick :lol:

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Cockles :shock: (why isn't there a yeuch emoticon, I need one now :wink: )

I spent part of my childhood living in Wales, and as a Sunday morning "treat" my sisters and I would be dragged out of bed at ridiculously early hours of the morning to go "cockling" along the Mumbles, with my grandmother and some of her seriously weird Welsh cronies. How we hated that one :evil:

And then the kitchen would be filled with the fug of boiling or pickling cockles for the rest of the day.

I don't care if I never see another cockle :roll:

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Cockles and mussels.......love them. The best though are Whelks lovely and chewy. :lol:

Back to the white chocolate digestives, I have had them in a box of assorted biscuits. The boxes you get at Christmas that every supermarket in the land will be filling their shelves with now.

Why on earth do we need so many biscuits at Christmas, chocolates I can understand, but biscuits? :?

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Also they're handy to have in case you remember someone you've forgotten to get something for :!: and if you've been brilliant enough not to forget anyone, you can eat them yourself :!:

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still havent found the white chocolate covered digestives :(:(:(


if anyone has a sighting please let me know!!!




off to goose fair in a short while.



What a strange thread this is. I thought I was reading about cookies, but then it got into cockles, mushy peas & stick-on-cocks (I THINK thats what it was!)


Saw them in Waitrose today, & they were on 3 for the price of 2, along with all other digestives.


They do CARAMEL ones too

I would be happy to get some & send them on to you.

I would hate to see anyone deprived of their digestives !:D

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still havent found the white chocolate covered digestives :(:(:( quote]


What a strange thread this is... & stick-on-cocks (I THINK thats what it was!)



Saw them in Waitrose today, & they were on 3 for the price of 2, along with all other digestives.

Ahhh....don't tell me! I've been looking but not looking (just peeking through my fingers at the biscuit shelves). I want to find them, yet I don't...

3 packets = 3 minutes :roll:

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