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Guest Ginette

Socks :evil:

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I hate pegging out socks! :evil::evil:


So I put it off until people are having to wear wet ones :oops: and then the job takes ages. :evil: Today I have pegged out 46 pairs of socks. :evil:


And the worst bit . . . I don't wear any myself.


I know there are worse things in life, but this job is such a bind, possibly the worst one I have to do!

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I have 5 people who wear socks in our house. That's 35 pairs a week at least!


I used to tumble socks occasionally and love the way they come out ironed. :) But I don't have a tumble dryer any more so can't do that. In any case, I still had to pair them all up and that's what takes the time.


OH's and DS's aren't too bad but the girls have to wear white for school and those are the ones that get left in a heap in the bottom of the basket. It's so difficult to match them all up. (I used to sew a little coloured stitch into each sock so I knew which daughter they belonged to. Now they all wear each other's, which I can't understand, so I have stopped bothering.)


All the time I know I've got to get the whole lot off the line later on, which also takes ages! :evil::evil:

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I'm glad someone else hates socks! What I can't understand is the way my family complains at me 'There aren't any socks' but then does nothing to rectify the situation. So if I don't deal with it, they say the same the the next day and the next and the next . . . :evil:

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Start refusing to launder them foe them and they might start to see the point :lol:


I did that with my ex husbands shirts as I would stand and iron them and then find them hung up on the floor :evil:


To this day I have never ironed a mans shirt again :lol:

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Hmm, I haven't ironed a man's shirt since I got divorced either! :lol:


Going to be really geeky - what you need, Ginette are Sockies from Lakeland http://www.lakeland.co.uk/product.aspx/!6250 - (I tried to post a linke but I can't work out how to do it). You do need to put them in pairs, but then they stay together. And how about the Smalls Dryer to put them on the line - http://www.lakeland.co.uk/product.aspx/!20789


Lakeland are probably my second favourite site after Omlet! they have an answer for everything. :wink:

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:? I like hanging out socks.... :lol::roll:


Me too!


In fact hanging washing out is one of the few "wifely" jobs I actually do like!


Can't be bothered with pairing socks up to any great extent though. Him Indoors will only wear grey socks and the boys will only wear black sports socks so if one gets lost, there is always a partner for it.



Why is it that if you put an even number of socks in the washing machine, you invariably get an odd number out?


Is there a portal in my machine leading to another dimension, that socks want to escape to?


Him Indoors has a theory that the rings around Saturn are made up of lost socks and lost luggage.


He could be right!.


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Is there a portal in my machine leading to another dimension, that socks want to escape to?


Him Indoors has a theory that the rings around Saturn are made up of lost socks and lost luggage.


So that's where they go ... I live on my own. How can I POSSIBLY end up with odd socks? :roll:

I keep a little bag of odd 'uns in the laundry basket - every so often I shake them out, pair a few up, and put the odd ones away for a rest again.

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:? I like hanging out socks.... :lol::roll:

Expect a regular parcel then Sheila!! :lol::lol::lol:


I like hanging out washing and I enjoy ironing shirts (14 in an hour was my record) but socks are just too time consuming, especially all those white ones. :roll:

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And Olly, I do have a circular sock thing which holds 20 pairs. I like that because I can peg them on while watching TV or something and it's really easy to bring them indoors again when they're dry.


I've seen the sock pairing things, which would save a lot of time but my children just wouldn't use them. :roll: and it would be another source of contention. Like the empty hangers they won't bring downstairs and the wardrobes they won't use . . . :roll::roll::evil::evil:

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I don't have anything to do with socks :evil: - if they're taken off inside out or in a ball, then that is how they are washed - and dried :roll: If they're not then clean - tough!!


I dry them in the drier and tip them on the bed. I'll fold up pants and put them into two piles - and if I've worn any socks then I'll pair them up, the rest are left in a heap for Carl to do what he will with them :roll:


Any other laundry which might need ironing is folded neatly and placed on the ironing board - 99% of the time, by the time we need to wear any items from the pile, they've pressed themselves! :D


.... but I do do all of the DIY - and gardening - and make cakes....... :wink:

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Rosie has learned that if it's not in the laundry basket, it doesn't get washed! She's pretty good at turning things out the right way,but hasn't yet cottoned on to the money and tissues in pockets rule :roll: I hang the washing out on the line when I can and work permits, but otherwise it goes in the tumble dryer when it's raining.


Phil's kitchen isn't finished yet, so he doesn't have a washing machine and brings his laundry down to do in my machine - he buys me extra laundry liquid/softener and is responsible for his own laundry. All I ask is that if he doesn't have a full load, that he makes it up with stuff from my laundry basket to avoid wasting water.


I do all the washing, drying, ironing, cleaning, washing up and cooking :roll: Don't get me wrong; i love hosuework, just don't have enough time to do it.

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The sock monster eats the missing socks :shock:


There is one living inside all washing machines - its the law you know :wink:


Mine has slim pickings as there aren't many socks ever washed but yours must be living the life of luxury Ginette :lol:


Yes I am completely barking BTW :oops:

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