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You know you're getting old when....and assorted musings!!!

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ooooh, just to confuse everyone (and me - which really doesnt take much)

we have breakfast, dinner at dinner time and tea when we get home from work.

I have lunch at school cos it fits in the timetable better than dinner does.

(dinner has 6 letters see, and lunch only has 5, and there are only 5 days in a week - get it? :lol::lol::lol: - my dad started that when I was 11.)

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and we call the room where the tv/sofa is the front room and not the living room !! :lol:


I presume your 'front room' is at the front of your house! :wink::lol::lol::lol:


We call the front room the front room too! At my parent's house the room next to their front room is either called "next door" if they are in the front room or the kitchen or is called "the back room". Quite simple really! :lol::lol:

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:? we have breakfast lunch and dinner, the children have breakfast (bok smallest boy calls it) lunch and tea, we have a front room and an "other room" which are actually both the same room depending on where you are in the house., neither or them are the lounge. We have a sofa not a settee or a couch, and very shortly, if they don't quieten down I will have a child free house :evil:


Mrs B

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Just catching up with this and I do think that brain is beginning to hurt :oops: , but I have breakfast, lunch and dinner, unless it's a weekend when I tend to merge breakfast and lunch into brunch.

I rarely have supper but I agree that's a late night snack before bed and tea is a light, uncooked meal served in the afternoon (cucumber sandwhiches and scones sort of a thing, served with earl grey and bone china :wink: ).

If some of you define lunch as an uncooked mid day meal, then how do you describe Sunday lunch, which surely is traditionally a roast and all the trimmings :?:?

Oh, and geographically I was born in the South, moved to the North West at 3, had a healthy dollop of Wales thrown in in my early teens and now I'm back in the South. No wonder my meals are confused :shock::lol::lol::lol:

What was this thread about again :?:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Hi all - this is Helly Welly's OH (Russell Brussell),


Can I just say, I have breakfast, elevenses, lunch, tea, dinner, supper, and any other type of meal or snack that I can fit in during the day. :dance:


I am lucky enough to be blessed with a high metabolism so I can eat as much food as I like....and I usually do !!


Re - the room debate, it has to be Living Room in our house, 'cos ours has a front AND a back wall, so it would end up being the frontback room !


Couch, settee, or sofa.....sofa has it.....couch implies we're potatoes, and settee sounds a bit 70's.


If you need any other language advice, please don't ask........!!



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Hey, this is really great!


As I said before, we have breakfast, dinner and tea in that order. Mind you, I can relate to Helly Welly's OH as I do graze during the day.


We have a living room, and then a 'sitting room' where we take any posh visitors that we have (that would be the wife's friends). Both are front rooms as the back is the kitchen and where the house joins onto next door (which is a holiday home for some wealthy folk). The garden is at the side!


The posh settee is in the sitting room. There are chairs and a scabby two seater something in the living room, but I haven't seen it for months as it's hidden under piles of stuff. In fact most of our furniture is hidden under stuff - apart from the posh things in the sitting room (which is only there to make an impression). And even in there things get covered with the newspapers that I collect off the train when I go to London and back each Tuesday/Wednesday.


If you are ever on the Lynn to London train, I'm the one collecting up the newspapers. Having read them, they go into the Eglu and then into the compost.


We are pretty common and proud of it. No, thats not right, I am common and proud of it - OH is most definately not common at all.

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If you are ever on the Lynn to London train, I'm the one collecting up the newspapers. Having read them, they go into the Eglu and then into the compost.




OOoh, I get the Lynn - London train.....but only between Ely and Cambridge! :D:roll::D

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well now, what we call the living room my parents would call the drawing room!!! (there's posh! my mum's a dreadful s"Ooops, word censored!").

we have sofas, as opposed to couches or settees.

and the table where we eat which is in the kitchen is the dining table (dunno why, there isnt another table in the room!)

also we have 'the loo' rather than 'the toilet' (again, it was a lavatory in my parents' era...)

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Lavatory. :lol: (or bog if OH :roll: )


...you know you're old when you say thruppence, or tuppence, and son says "I hate it when you say that" & you say "say what?" and he says "Thruppence, thruppence, :roll::roll: what's that?....it's 3 p"

Pee, I say, pee! Thruppence is better.....


...to be continued.

PS. Settee, sittingroom, and luncheon of course, dinner in the evening. :lol: Lots to say about tea.....

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I think I should rename this topic :roll:


It's given me a good giggle this morning :lol::lol:


When I was growing up we used to have a front room, settee, dinner and tea - but I've clawed my way up the greasy pole ever so slightly and now have lounge, sofa, lunch and dinner :roll::wink:


I have one sister who still has dinner/tea etc. but the other sister has changed to lunch/dinner as well.


I've always lived in this area so no excuse really :? I obviouslt think I'm better than I am :lol:

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We have a sofa in the sitting room which is at the back of the house. At the old house it was at the front but it was still a sitting room because we sat in it :lol: . The lavatory is a "Cloakroom" even though there aren't any cloaks in it :lol: but is also the loo :roll: . We have breakfast, lunch and dinner. I definitely have a bum rather than a bottom though :lol: .

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We have either sofa or settee (depending on who you talk to), We have a living room and bathroom or toilet........Gotta be breakfast, lunch and dinner....Although a lot of hull people have breakfast, dinner and tea..... :)


Hull has to have the worst accent of all too lol *cringes*

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I can't understand the Hull accent at all. I met someone from 'ool' ('oo' as in look) once and she had to tell me where she came from at least 4 times and I still couldn't understand! It's remained a joke amongst us 25 years later!

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We have breakfast, lunch and tea


At school some children have lunch (sandwiches) and the others have dinners (school meals)


We have settees/sofas, in our lounge/front room/living room depends on the mood and we have a loo


I would love a cloakroom for our cloaks though 8)


We also have bottoms not b***, I can't even type that word :oops:


We also wear pants and not knickers


PS Starboyhull Hull is not the worst accent, have you heard Brummies :wink:

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