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Nicola H

The F word

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:roll::roll::roll: ..... :arrow: Anyway Ladies ... back to topic. I missed the 1st ep of the F word, but got the gist of it tonight on a repeat. :wink:


Not soooo keen on Mr Ramsay .... something about the ex.Scottish Footballer cum Chef thingy :? , but saw the bit with the turkeys, and am dying to know what he does next. If he can put down Martine McCutcheon (spelling) 1st that is. :oops::wink::lol:

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My choice would be Michael (every time), I liked Ralph at the start but he is a little too two-faced for my liking.


Couldn't bare the blonde girl who just went! :shock: How smug was she??? Every time shw won something or got a little praise she had this stupid smug face. Eugghhh.


lol I agree....Ralph just winds me up....AND DID YOU SEE HIS FIANCE????? good god if ever a couple were suited :roll:


I really wanted Elsie to win.....I know she couldn't have coped but she was the only unpretentious one there

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:lol::lol: B***** off! :lol:

Now look what you've done! Kate will be after me! :shock:

I think its allowable considering the Gordon Ramsey influence, topic title, and Dan's extreme sincerity! :wink:

Good to see you Dan & you're absolutely right about our double standards. But, we're all probably beyond help now, so hope you can still put up with us.

Also, after the day I've had, I don't care anymore about defending scum; the F word doesn't cover what I was thinking. :evil::twisted: I've changed my mind, I don't like all people :cry:

PS.Clever Avatar!

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GARY LIVES wooo. i thought for a sec they where going to pur gary down. nooo. :lol:


i'm glad gordons rhubarb won, the other guy was really smarmy, know when your beaten and be a good loser!! rant over


eugh how nasty did that ganet look!!! and tht french guy through his half chewed ganet on the floor :shock: can you imagine if one of us gen public did that in a restaurant?? couldnt he have asked for a paper towel of something yuk!


good programme tonight its the only thing ive watched on my week off.

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I've been in Pembrokeshire for a week so missed the last Hell's Kitchen USA....can someone TELL ME AAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! *pleady begs*


You missed a brilliant last programme - I think Dan will tell it better than I can. If he doesn't come along soon, I will do my best. I'll send a message to Dan to come and tell you here.

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Thanks Dan - well recounted.


Didn't Michael have Elsie on his team? but she was the last to be chosen and was a bit miffed?


And Andrew cut his hane badly and had to go off to ER. .....And Dewberry came over all unnecessary at one stage and thought he was going to faint (and everyone else worried in case they had to pick him up! :shock: )

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:shock: ........ :D ....thank you Dan!


:lol: could soooooo see Ralph with a tacky steak house! I'm not surprised Elsie was the last to be picked by those two, she really got to them didn't she? Ahhhhh the best man won by far. I wish I could've seen it but thanks for expertly recounting x


I was in Llanwnda just North of Fishguard.....a little cottage that "Ooops, word censored!"ody stays in when I'm not in it *fantasy world of Claire*. We're thinking of making the move there permanently.

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