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Chapped lips?

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Oooooo mine have not arrived yet :roll:


This new post system is a real pain :evil: let me know how you get on at the post office :wink:


Post Office has confirmed that the Lip Balms can go as large letter - they just make it :roll::roll: any thicker and they would be a packet and cost £1.00 per tube to post :shock::shock:


This new system is a pain..............completely forgot that A4 letters now need a 'large' stamp..........sent my tax return to the Inland Revenue last week with a normal stamp on it.....hope it gets there as I think they may owe me something for once.

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Is that the first mention of the 'C' Word this year?


I think it may have been me and or Paola :oops::oops:


The C word was discussed as far back as April as I received my first copy of the Webb Ivory / Studio cards Xmas Catalogue. For about the last 4 years it has always arrived in time for Easter :shock::shock::roll::roll:

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How much is a large letter Pam? Shows how often I post things :oops:


A large letter is 48p............it must not weigh more than 100g, must not be thicker than 25mm and no larger than 353mm by 250mm. The price goes up if it weighs more than 100g but even 3 tubes of lip balm weigh less than 40 g.


Here ends my public service annoucement :wink:

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the lady who served me at Duty Free last week thought I was selling my supplies on



I mean, I only bought 6 lip balms and about 30 other items........


and I needed two bags :oops:


but I did get the new concealer and by jove its good!! - I can get away without much sleep now and not look so bad - hides a multitude! :lol:





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Touche eclat Andrew?


I get it for my Mum from Stuttgart Duty Free - £9 a tube! We sell it on board for £18! :shock::shock:

You still using preparation H for your bags?


We reckoned Gordon B had used Preparation H on his First day as PM.


Normally he had suitcases, not bags, under his peepers.


When he gave his speech outside No 10.......not a sign!!


Yesterday in the House of Commons.....suitcases again!

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