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Today I Picked.........

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single courgette while on a late evening stroll around my allotment along with some broccoli florets, and a load of cut and crop salad leaves to keep us going for my sandwiches and K's lunchbox for the rest of the week


.. amazing how quick everything is growing at the moment...


.. have little cucumbers forming.. the french beans are starting to get to pickable size, first runner beans as tiny as anything and all fluffy...

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Beautiful broad beans from the raised bed outside my son's y1 classroom.


Once they got over the child who told everyone they were gross and not to touch them with a bargepole (thanks, Reece), we had a class of 6-year-olds busy podding and munching baby broad beans.


Reece was so outnumbered that he gave in, had a taste and.... ate more than anyone else.

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900g of Tayberries, which I am turning into Seedless Tayberry Jam (jelly)

375g of Raspberries, which I am turning into Raspberry Liquer


2 baby cucumbers which I am making into a cucmber sandwich

2 yellow courgettes which I am going to dry fry, and have with salad for my dinner this evening.

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Lots of broad beans, some strawberries, all the garlic (not a very successful crop) and all the shallots (not a massive harvest either).

My boyfriend was impressed though and said "Your vegetable plot is a lot more productive this year".

I'm learning and just need to persevere.

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Yesterday we picked blackcurrants and raspberries. Sick of eating raspberries and made jam from the currants. I am cheating here - we went to a PYO place up the road - we wanted to make strawberry jam, but they had a crop failure, so it happens to the experts too. In the garden and greenhouse: lots of Sungold toms, runner beans, dwarf French Beans, Lazy Housewife climbing French beans and two little courgettes that we ate raw.

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Home Raised beds

More Peas, broccoli, salad leaves and spinach, some raspberries



dug up my Lady Chrystl (sp) second earlies.. they look and taste fab, courgettes, raspberries, cabbage (greyhound)



Checked last night and my first french green beans are almost ready for first crop :)

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750g of blackcurrants which I am turning into Blackcurrant Jelly

400g of Raspberries and an as-yet-unweighed quantity of Tayberries, which I will be turning into Raspberry and Tayberry Jelly. Or Cordial. Haven't decided yet.


DH picked a large quantity of tomatoes, 1 large cucumber, and 1 yellow courgette, so I'll be having salad for dinner (He doesn't eat vegetables, just grows them).

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Just under a lb of gooseberries -none on the bottom half of the bush anymore as the ****** chooks have eaten them! Hopefully will make some jam if I can adapt the recipe for the meagre amount.

5 dwarf french beans (will make a toddler portion for dd's tea anyway!)

3 tomatoes from my cheaty ready grown and fruiting bush tomato from Homebase.

Can't really count the 2 punnets of blackcurrants from the pyo can I? :D

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