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Today I Picked.........

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Our tomatoes are doing well enough without pollinating by hand - the sides open on the polygreenhouse so it is always full of insects.


Koojie - we have 10 aubergine plants with about 4/5 fruits on each. They are about 4" long at the moment 8)

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Well done (she says through gritted teeth)! Mine are only just about showing, so no bigger than a finger nail, boo hoo! Didn't do too well last year, but the year before that was good - Rosa Bianca, round white and pink - really creamy. All peppers, aubergines and toms sown roughly the same time, but the aubergine seeds (Long Purple) had a lie-in! The chillies were sown ages after and they have loads of peppers on them. Perhaps the seeds were too old. Never mind, still time to swell up.

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We had another huge cabbage yesterday, they are really big now you can almost hear them growing.


A small and not very pretty but perfectly edible cauliflower,turnips, carrots,potatoes, spring onion radishes, tomatoes.


French beans are nearly there.


A large courgette and a smaller one shaped like a tapered candle with the flower on the top flame shaped :lol: . I was going to photograph it but hubby cooked it before I could.


I too am very jealous of your greenhouse Koojie, you can bearly swing a cat in mine, but it does the job :D

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This covers the last three or four days:


many, many kilos of tomatoes. Most have been roasted and turned into passata' some have gone to provide hentertainment,l and I've been guzzling the cherry ones as I dont have anyh other fruit in the house at the moment.


The Broccoli has just started, so had that for my dinner one evening, That and some tomatoes, some fried courgettes, and the remains of the "Salad Blue" and "Shetland Black" potatoes.


I;m harvesting the latest crop of salad leaves, and had a couple more spring onions.


I've had enough of courgettes now, and so the last lot picked were like mini marrows.


I've also finished the sugar snap peas. They didn't get as far as the house, as usual, they are just soooo scrummy raw. The slightly manky ones were podded and fed to the chooks by my DH (who, you may remember, didn't want chickens).


Sweetcorn should be ready soon, yum!

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I don't know what happened to my currants, I suspect naughty blackbirds.

We did pick raspberries yesterday from the PYO place again.

My aubergines are growing - now showing about just over an inch - at least 7 to go. :D

More toms picked and given to neighbour.

A Tesco carrier bag full of French beans (neighbour had some of those too).

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The first ripe cucmber woohoo. I don't like them but the chooks seem to think that they are 'heaven on earth' which is why I grow them. Plus they look lovely growing in the greenhouse. (green eglu)GNRPP!egg!!egg!


Now there's an idea! I grow salad and courgettes for my girls. how quickly do cucumbers grow?

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9 years of failure :wink:


We have a club root problem on our allotment site, so we have struggled to grow anything brassica related.


We saw on a gardening programme a tip about sprinkling lime direct into the holes when planting and being quite generous with it.


Our soil is in better condition after a few applications of manure over the years, sandy soil and brassicas don't mix.


We grow the plants to a good size feeding them regularly in 3 inch pots then when planting make the hole with a bulb planter which gives a good firm fit for the root ball which they like then water like mad every day for the first few weeks unless nature intervenes which it has quite a lot so far.


The variety is golden acre and they were planted in a seed bed under enviromesh in our raised beds at home then potted up into 3 inch pots and grown on.


I think that all of the conditions were just right this year, that is why I keep photographing them because this may be the only year that I have cabbages this good.


All of our brassicas are doing pretty well this year. :D


it is cabbage with everything in this house at the moment, we have just had spag bol for lunch with cabbage on the side :lol:

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