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Mrs Frugal


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Just to let you all know that the registration to the forum is now admin activation only so even though you may see spammers on the memberlist, they are absolutely unable to post anything until their accounts have been activated. I will remove them ASAP :wink: . There is now no need for anyone to notify me that there are dodgy new members on the memberlist as I will get an e-mail for every single new member, genuine or not and will be able to sort out the real ones from the spammers and only activate the genuine ones.

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You'll now notice that all forum based e-mails such as topic reply notifications, PM notifications etc are all from barbara@omlet.co.uk and this is because I've had to alter the main forum e-mail address to stop James being inundated with activation e-mails everytime someone registers. Barbara and I can deal with them instead so don't worry if you get PM notification e-mails from barbara instead :wink: .

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We've been pretty lucky here, Karl. The US Omlet forum has had all sorts of very unsavoury postings including obscene photographs posted by the spambots so I tried the admin activation over there first a couple of months ago and it's working really well. Genuine users aren't having to wait more than a day to start posting and the spammers just can't do anything. Gotcha :lol: .

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It's more work yes, but at least there's not the worry every morning that I'll log in to find some lewd photo posted in the chicken clinic or a link to some dubious site. It's quite a relief actually and it's nice to be able to make sure that I don't miss anyone either as every single new member means an e-mail so no one gets missed. I hope it works anyway and I hope I don't keep anyone waiting too long. Lesley will have the keys to the admin cupboard if I'm ever away or sick so she can take over if necessary too.

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