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Grumpy Old...........

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mine are mostly driving ones.


middle lane hoggers on the motorway :evil:

people who dont indicate at roundabouts :evil:

people who dont indicate at all :evil:

Chavvy young lads who tailgate you :evil:

sales reps who think they own the road :evil:


shops -

people who stand in aisles chatting :evil:

why are people in the fruit/veg section ALWAYS pondering in front of the stuff you want :evil:

checkout staff who scan your shopping too quick - you're struggling to pack it and she's waiting for your money :evil:


general -

door to door canvassers - if I want something, I will chose when and where i get it from! :evil:

why is it whenever im on holiday/days off from work - everyone else is?! :evil:

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My motoring bugbear is stopping to let someone pass when they have the right of way, then they stop for you. :roll:

There will be a moments pause, and then you both dither forward, pause again and dither forward again. I then flash and gesticulate politely and wait for them to go.


Why do they do this, it is such a waste of time if it is their right of way. Not wanting to generalise but I've noticed that they usually have a trilby on their head and a pipe clenched between their teeth.


Oh...and I can't abide total strangers who take it upon themselves to wave their arms about and "guide" me into a parking space.


I can park perfectly well thank you.


I wind down the window and politely ask them to stop as they are distracting me.

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Ohhh, what annoys me...

People who daydream at traffic lights...usually at the ones which only let 3 cars through at a time.

People who don't realise at roundabouts that you give way to the right and it ends up in a stand off...you go...no you go! :roll:

Surly shop keepers...do you want my money or not?

The telephone calls you get at the most inconvenient time to tell you 'CONGRATULATIONS, you have won a holiday!' , I get at least one a day and I'm registered with the telephone preference service. :evil:

And for those that like myself, run their own business...customers who don't pay on time - Oh, the cheque was sent, haven't you got it?, The person who signs off the accounts has been on holiday for the past 6 months and there is absolutely noone else in the company who can authorise payments etc


AND that's on top of everything everyone else has mentioned. SIGH!


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Eugh and on teh subject of driving, i am a learner and i try my best and i drive quite fast sometimes but people ALSWAYS overtake me and jsut assume that because im a learner im going to stall or blowup or something. I go 30 in a 30mph zone and people just overtake me. :evil:


do they forget how intimidating and stupid you feel when youre learning.

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Chelsea? Are we sisters?


I rant about all of those too.


Phil and I always rant about bad driving; we have a fair division of labour - one of us drives and the other rants - works for us.


:lol::lol: hee hee, I like a good moan.

We also have a good moan in the car too!....im also a very annoying "back seat driver" when hubby is driving. Im always shouting "its alright to pull out" at junctions and "tractor coming" if we are on a country lane....I think hubby dispairs of me sometimes! :oops::roll::lol:

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People who can't turn right! :evil:


It really annoys me when people don't position their car correctly when turning right so that everyone else can pass on the left.


There is a particular junction in town, if theres a long queue it is always because some pillock is waiting to turn right and has blocked the entire road so the whole town has to wait for them :evil:


Level crossings :evil: If there are less than 5 people on a train it should have to wait for a gap in the traffic. I know that is a bit ridiculous but it really annoys me to have to wait 5-10 minutes for a train to pass just to see that there is no-one on it! The crossing seems to be down more than open.


And if anyone else calls me from a call centre in outer Mongolia and tries to tell me with a thick Mongolian accent his name is Derek or Alan I will scream! Why do the call centres insist on making their operatives use an English name? I don't hang up them because they are from exotic places I do it because I do not want what they are selling and would rather finish my tea in peace or I simply cannot understand them.


Thats better :D







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I avoid turning right when I am driving :oops:



I once went out with my mum when she hadnt been driving for long and she was really nervous driving.


She actually found it impossible to turn right so went left - great fun -we went for miles turning left, when one right turn would have done.


I ended up making her get out of the car so I could drive and get us back in 2 minutes



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