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When will they lay?

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Hello all, I'm glad to say that Dotty and Dandelion have both worked out how to avoid the pond now - I talked to a farmer's wife and she said all farm yards have deep troughs and ponds and despite that she had never heard of a drowning chicken, so they should either learn or they were too nutty to be bothered with, which gave me the confidence to let them out again - and they've turned into such fun little chucks!! We have a great time running about the garden with them.

Anyway, now I'm wondering when they'll start laying. They arrived on 19th Sept and so should be about 22+ weeks old now. I'm worried they may lay in the bushes and autumn leaves, rather than the nest box, as they prefer to be out and about all day - what do you think?

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Glad you've solved the pond thing. We have a pond which the chooks largely ignore unless they're thirsty, then have fun poking about among the wriggly things at the shallow end. I too used to worry about them laying somewhere out of sight, but since they started, they have always returned to the nesting box, although they free range all day. Have yours started squatting yet when you approach them? That is a sure sign that they're coming into lay. If they don't do that at all, then they're not ready.

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Thanks, they're not crouching yet, so I guess it'll be a little longer. I'll try the pingpong thing too. I keep marvelling at how easy it is to clean out the Eglu - easier than cleaning the cage floor of a parrot we used to have!

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My 2 GNR's from Omlet must be very different in age. Cash's comb etc grew and went red after a couple of weeks and started squatting then. She has now laid 4 times in 6 days (nothing yet this morning but I left early!) Tango is a lot pailer and does not squat at all.

Just be patient, it's well worth it in the end!

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Some birds just lay earlier, much like some humans reaching puberty sooner than others. We're reaching that time of year when, if they haven't started laying by now, they might not lay now until Spring. I bought 3 young pure breeds earlier in the autumn and I doubt that they will lay now before winter starts.


On the other hand, if they do start laying this side of winter, then they may just lay (at reduced capacity) through the winter.

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Can someone tell me how to recognise this 'Squatting' behaviour and when its likely to happen. My four have been laying down in the garden in various positions (mainly). I just thought they'd eaten enough and like me needed a lie down before the next meal/bed.


My life..



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It's different from lying down Loz, and when you see it, you will know what I mean instantly :lol:


They stop still (usually causing you to fall over them) and squat down with their wings partially outspread. If you treat their back with your hand like a cockerel might, then they start a sort of lapdancign routine. They usually start doing this about a week before the first egg.

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Yeah my 2 GNR's are from Omlet. Cash is Red faced/combed and laying, Tango is still pale faced/combed and does not do "THE SQUAT"

It's good to hear that egg production shouldn't decline too much during winter as they are hybrids but will Tango not mature/develop if the winter starts soon?

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Even if he did he'd only go and say something to spoil it like "women! You just can't rely on them ......"!


and that's another thing they do - never forget anything you say, and bring it up again and again and again ...



...and again and again



and again :wink:

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