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5 Chooks in an eglu

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i have an eglu and run converter and 4 chooks :D:D:D and i really want a cream legbar aswell :D:D:) . my girls get about 2 hours a day out and all day on weekends.

they all huddle up together at night :roll::roll::roll: so there is space in the eglu and they all seem to go around together in the run so it looks like there is loads of space.


Thanks for any help

Sam :wink:

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There's space for more than that if some are pekins and they're all determined to sleep together :lol:


This is my old eglu at one point - th_snug.jpg


This is with 5. At one point, we had ten chooks, who all steadfastly refused to sleep in two houses and insisted on getting into the one eglu. Made it a little more disgusting to clean though. I swear there was still room in there. Didn't help that all the pekins used too sleep in a feathery puddle in the nesting box.

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I had two chickens delivered last week. They were shortly followed by a third on Saturday. I talked to the breeder at Southmead Poultry (where I picked up my third chook) and she said that she would not have more than three in an eglu. So however much I would like a fourth I will stick with my three - she has been right on everything else she has said to me :)

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I have four in an eglu - also from Southmead - and there is plenty of room. I think it is the run that restricts the number and as I don't use it, I'm not worried. I would certainly have 5 sleeping in an eglu but they would need space during the day.


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