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dress etiquette question....

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.....as I am a commoner and never go anywhere posh I am having to post this question, which I'm sure the more refined Omleteer will be able to answer ( :wink: ) I've been invited to a concert, military, and the invitation, which came through my Dad, says Lounge suits to be worn. So hopefully that means I can still wear my long tatty green skirt that I live in with my sand boots right?

What are us girlies supposed to wear in this case, I hope it's not too posh, I don't do posh really, because I don't go to posh places or get dressed up very often (like never!) I'm not all that comfortable in it and so look a bit awkward. In fact I think I could make a bin bag look scruffy!! Help! :lol:


Mrs Bertie

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Just spoken to OH who used to be in a military band and went to officers mess stuff all the time with his work. Apparently Lounge suits means a posh suit, maybe even black tie. Basically a lady should wear a nice dress or smart blouse and skirt. Tatty green skirt probably won't do I'm afraid unless you want to stick out! Can you raid the charity shops? If money is not the problem (which I think it is for most of us!) M&S Per una have some very nice smart stuff at the moment in a nice variety of sizes - (that's what I'm doing for OH's cousin's wedding!!!) They are super quick at delivering stuff from the internet too.

Sorry to be the harbinger of doom Mrs. B :oops:

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Mrs Bertie wrote:



I hope it's not too posh, I don't do posh really, because I don't go to posh places or get dressed up very often


I 'think' that Lounge Suit means it really isn't 'that' posh, posh would be black or white tie, ballgowns don't you know :shock: Again from distant memory

I think women might be expected to wear a cocktail dress, no idea myself what this would look like, but I would think a dress, if you possess one' or a smartish skirt and top? There is a famous quote by Mark Twain (I think)

"Beware any enterprise that requires you to buy new clothes" :):)



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COCKTAIL DRESS :shock::shock: ...but I like the quote though! Although I also like the idea of this concert, and the long green tatty skirt is, in fact, Per Una!! I have got one posh dress, the one I wore to Buckingham Palace when my Dad got his MBE (am I name dropping? :wink::lol: ) So I guess if it's good enough for Queenie, it'll be good enough for an RAF concert! Now, d'you reckon I can drop a dress size by 6th December? :lol::lol::lol:


Mrs Bertie

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I always imagine lounge suits to be All in One polyester cat suits with a zip up through the middle like Charlies Angels or farrah fawcett used to wear!! :shock::lol:


Why dont they put Smart or Casual? I wouldnt know what a lounge suit was!


I dont do posh either Mrs B.....Im always scruffy and comfy :D

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Formal is top hat and tails, semi Formal is Black Tie and informal is Lounge suit. For this the lady is expected to wear a cocktail dress. i.e not a full on ball gown, something either around the knee, midcalf or Two inches above the ankle but not big and floaty. The little black dress type thing is ideal, just nothing to short!!!

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if you have a designer outlet place near you, try there- we go to the one in Ellesmere Port and I love the 'Roman Originals' shop.


They have lovely suits and dresses, would be just the thing for your 'do' :)


and very reasonable prices!

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I'd go for the Little Black Dress. Takes you anywhere.


Add a couple of discreet pieces of nice jewellery and a pair of stylish shoes.


Stockings/tights are a must. The bared legged slapper look won't do at all I'm afraid. :lol:


Have a lovely time.


Im no style guru, but im lovin your style Eglutine :D . Accessorize is the key - I agree, a nice black dress and some jewellery and a nice handbag/shoes could look stunning.

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I'd go for the Little Black Dress. Takes you anywhere.


Add a couple of discreet pieces of nice jewellery and a pair of stylish shoes.


Stockings/tights are a must. The bared legged slapper look won't do at all I'm afraid. :lol:


Have a lovely time.


Im no style guru, but im lovin your style Eglutine :D . Accessorize is the key - I agree, a nice black dress and some jewellery and a nice handbag/shoes could look stunning.


especially with your mane of lovely auburn hair Mrs B, I'd keep it simple and have your hair done especially, you'll shine!

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I'd go for the Little Black Dress. Takes you anywhere.


Add a couple of discreet pieces of nice jewellery and a pair of stylish shoes.


Stockings/tights are a must. The bared legged slapper look won't do at all I'm afraid. :lol:


Have a lovely time.


(Ooo, get that Egluntine - she's dead posh :wink: )


Just what I was going to say - been a veteran of many a posh do in my time and lounge suit means that the chap must wear a smart suit and tie (black tie is not necessary), your outfit needs to be smart and semi-formal. LBD is the best or smart 'going out' trousers with a classy top, no bare legs or boobs showing.


As Debs would confirm; Dan's 'Going Out Shirt' would just not cut hte mustard! :lol:


Have a fantabulous time.

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try tkmax i got a lovely black dress from there last year for £25, they had hundreds of dresses. it you do have to spend time looking but you never know what you will find. also marks and spencers have a designer clearance on at the moment, there are some great dresses on line and in the shops half price.

i am a casual girl at heart but i have had to dress up for work things and family parties and i am always worried as i havent got back to the weight i was before children. i must admit i do look much better in a lovely dress and heals than an old pair of jeans and jumper.

good luck and i am sure you will have a great time.

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it finds it's way out of the rag bag and back in the cupboard I think!


Him Indoors has a raincoat like that.


His colleagues once kidnapped it and made him pay £20 to get it back.....some charity thingy was happening at the time....He stumped up! :roll:


They also kidnapped another colleagues ancient brown cardigan.... the ransom was paid for that too....much to everyone's amazement.


Why do men become attached to particular items of clothing....for years.

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Here's a useful site! http://www.dresscodeguide.com/default.asp


Lounge suits are 2-piece, not necessarily black and always with a tie.


Mrs B, the 'posh' trousers, maybe palazzo-type, plus a dressy top would look good. Or equally a smart, not tatty, long skirt with sparkly top. I agree that dresses can be tricky to wear and particularly with your height, I think the length of the skirt is the key. A small jacket can help too.


Good luck - if you have time to find the right thing you'll look stunning! :D

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it finds it's way out of the rag bag and back in the cupboard I think!


Him Indoors has a raincoat like that.


His colleagues once kidnapped it and made him pay £20 to get it back.....some charity thingy was happening at the time....He stumped up! :roll:


They also kidnapped another colleagues ancient brown cardigan.... the ransom was paid for that too....much to everyone's amazement.


Why do men become attached to particular items of clothing....for years.


I think it's a sort of childhood blue blanket type of thing :roll:

Phil has a grey top like that - he wears it all the time except when it's int he wash :roll: If he lived with me it'd be in the rag bag asap!

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Why do men become attached to particular items of clothing....for years.


Many years ago, I borrowed my Dad's fleece as i was cold and never gave it back. Now OH wears it all the time!!! We have been together for nearly 4 years and the rancid, old, moth eaten things is still kicking around. He now takes it on trips at work, to the shops, everywhere we go!! :roll::roll:


Lovely grey fleece, all bobbly and manky. I have tried to 'lose' it in the bin, garage etc but he always finds it! :roll:


i was even really cunning one day and hid it in the washing basket thinking he would never look there ( :roll::wink: ) but he found it! :shock:

(didn't put the dark wash on though :roll: )




Have a lovely evening Mrs B!!

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