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My son Jack used to collect Eddie Stobart names. He is too old for that now (so he tells me) when I suggest the game.

Once went passed the depot at Penrith and we had to stop..... for nearly an hour while he made his list :lol:


My girls each have a Stobart named for them

Look out for "Cleo Amber" & "Devon Sophie" - I would love to know if anyone has ever seen them :P

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We play a feeble game on motorways about spotting Eddies, Norbert Dentressangle (used to call it Norbert Deathstrangler to scare rowdy children tee hee), and other regular names, and get points for them. We get bored quite soon with it though :roll: it is pretty feeble. But spotting the Eat More Chips lorry gets a trillion points! I've seen it on the M25, M3, M2 and M1 but it probably gets about. Spotting Knights of Old or Prestons of Potto is an instant win too.


Any other feeble motorway games out there?

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I loathe and detest motorways, the M8 between Glasgow and Edinburgh especially. It's full of white van men and salesmen in company cars shooting down at 100mph on their mobiles - it's horrible!


When we do venture on the motorway, we play yellow car. In princaple it's simple - you see a yellow car, you get a point. BUT if the adjudicator judges that the car was NOT yellow (ie gold, or that mingy green yellow colour) then you loose a point. Aaaaaaah, hours of endless entertainment!

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When we do venture on the motorway, we play yellow car. In princaple it's simple - you see a yellow car, you get a point. BUT if the adjudicator judges that the car was NOT yellow (ie gold, or that mingy green yellow colour) then you loose a point. Aaaaaaah, hours of endless entertainment!


Have you ever seen me :D I've got a little yellow Fiat :D with a cute little yellow teddy on the back window, with "Mums Taxi" on its tummy. Toot your horn if you see me.


Because my car is yellow we play pink car. The next car I buy is going to be pink 8)

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Never buy a pink car! I had a girlie pink (well, maroon) clio, and was constantly cut up on the road by the afore-mentioned white van man and salesmen. It's like they see a girlie car and think you are a rubbish driver who doesn't deserve to share the road with them. I now have a large black estate and am treated much better!

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Perhaps Omlet should bring out car stickers for all us Omleteers, so when we're driving down the motorway, we can toot at each other - better fun than Yellow car, and more exciting than tooting ES lorries!!!

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I would like an Omlet car sticker. I tried to get a Desperate Housewife On Board one from the studios, but they wouldn't send one to the UK and OH said he would take it away if I got one anyway. He said it would be dangerous :shock:


So I would love an Omlet one. And we could all spot each other on the motorways. Another feeble game!

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Perhaps Omlet should bring out car stickers for all us Omleteers, so when we're driving down the motorway, we can toot at each other - better fun than Yellow car, and more exciting than tooting ES lorries!!!


Brilliant idea Shona!






Drat! I normally only manage one good idea a year.


Peaked too early, I think!



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..shooting down at 100mph on their mobiles

Wow, the technology! :roll::wink:

I was going to mention Norbert D. but couldn't remember the full name.

Hey, Richard, I liked your contribution! 8)

More feeble games....Esther & I play looking for lorries & saying what we'd have delivered, relevant to the company; eg. lots to choose from re food with the supermarkets (not so good when E. is feeling travel sick!) or easy with a Cadbury's lorry, but good fun ( :? ) thinking of items from less well known companies.

One journey we seemed to pass an awful lot of beer lorries, so E was soon :roll::roll: at my comments.

If stuck in holiday traffic we play the default game...choosing which caravan to have! :P

Love the idea of Omlet sticker...would immediately put a stop to asking for lifts by older offspring :lol:

OH would :evil: and Esther would be well practised in :roll::roll:

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I was going to mention Norbert D. but couldn't remember the full name.


Whenever we drive in Europe we play spot the Norbert's too Sheila :D

Is it Norbert Detressengle or something like that :? Anyway there's loads of them, great big red things with white writing.


I like the idea of an Omlet sticker, bit like the black rat thing that traffic police have to identify each other. But not at all likethe ubiquitous baby on board sticker- ot a fan of those at all- unless said baby is actually on board, in which case it's a good warning to emergency servies to hunt for said baby in ase of accident. Otherwise they're a flaming waste of time :roll: The number of daft drivers I've seen with thosestickers, and unsecured toddlers clearly visible bouncing around the on the back seat. Sorry, ranting again :oops::roll:

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Great idea for an Omlet sticker !!!!! What about a picture of a happy chook with "Chickens are Egg=Cellent" on.........

I do a lot of driving for my job so see some nasty white van men (did you know the governement want to give them extra training on rules of the road :roll: ) and salesmen, who dont want to let you overtake (who else has been trying to pass a ***** who's in the middle lane doing 65mph, yakking on their mobile phones, but shoots up to 80mph, the minute you try to get past :roll::twisted: I let them get on with it. Rise above it - you'll feel better in the end :D

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