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A moment to share with any ladies who love Colin Firth...

Matthew my eldest (18) is having a gap year to try his hand at acting. He has just done a film with Colin Firth. he dosn't like much fuss so I don't go to the publicity stuff but I did get to go to the London premiere. Well it was a true Bridget Jones moment. He (Colin) shook my hand and looked right into my eyes. I was BJ in the snow! Mat just looked :oops::oops: Probably wont ask me to any more events.. He's now doing a film with Sienna Millar more his idea of fun I think!! :lol:

Tried to link to a photo of Mat and Colin but not too good at his thing..

The film is called And when did you last see your father..you can see a trailer on utube. Jim Broadbent is fab in it. :D

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My younger son's school was chosen as the location for some of the school scenes in 'Fever Pitch' all the kids auditioned and son got an extras part :)

I had read the book but didn't have a clue who was acting in it, son kept on talking about "Colin did this" and "Colin is so funny" and I said "Colin who?"

son didn't know his surname but came back from rehearsals the next day and casually said "His name is Colin Firth" :shock: From then on son was picked up by me from all rehearsals :roll: I got to see him and he signed his autograph on a napkin "To Tessa with love from Colinxx" :oops: But wow you got to shake his hand!



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Matthew plays Blake Morrison from 13-18ish , the younger Colin Firth, it is based on the book by Blake Morrison. On the promo poster you can see Mat sat in the car with Jim Broadbent. He has had some wonderful reviews..if you type in Matthew Beard and the name of the film in to google you can find them..

he has just been to the British Independent film awards where he was one of the nominations for best newcomer ( he didn't win, Sam Riley from control won). i couldn't go as it was in London on a work night but I could have had Colin Firth on one arm and Daniel Craig on the other! now thats just greedy :lol::lol:

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He has done a few things but that was with a child agent now he has gone into the precarious world of adult actors, a much bigger pond, but so far he has managed to go from job to job. He's just about to do a Trial and Retribution for Tv.Ive never watched it before but I think it is a murder mystery type mini series.

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Helen our goonergirl is going to be so jealous!!! She loves colin firth :D


To right i am!!! Why didn't i see this thread sooner?! :shock: :shock: It needs to be labelled:




Mmmmmmm. Colin Firth... *drifts off into dream land...

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