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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Um........... I've mislaid the camera :oops: I took it out to take a photo of the shocking state of an outbuilding before we cleared it out :? I'm sure it will turn up today. We were just too pooped last night to have a proper look. The outbuilding though is cleared and we've almost got over the shock of the discoveries we made - very grisly and not nice at all.


We're clearing another building this morning - just as soon as industrial strenghth painkillers kick in - I can't move at the moment :?


This clearing up should have been done before we moved in :twisted::twisted::twisted:


Piggie news later................... honestly, ..........with or without photos. :D

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I'm on those industrial strength jobbies too Lesely. Can't function without them, so sympathies all round from our end! So glad to read everything is good with you though. Weather has been on your side hasn't it.


Will look forward to more piggy piccies......

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Thanks Gina - just waiting for this morning's 'breakfast' to kick in :roll:


This is the sort of mess we have to clear up


and this....


......these photos do not show the whole story by any means :? - but it's all good fun and the one we've cleared is quite acceptable now.

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What a mess, the previous owners should have cleared all the rubbish before they left......................Looks like it will keep you very busy lesley but what great outbuildings I would love to have all that space......Good luck with the tidying don't work too hard....

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No Kate - we haven't named these two yet, we didn't mean to name the others :? These two will become bacon, unless we keep one of them and use her for breeding. The other three will only be good for pork.


Lauren and Jake will have their 'chicken dinner' this evening. The second little cockerel is theirs. They were only about a pound and a half so roast in 45 mins. Nearly all legs and very little breast meat.

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....but you'd have to put it in your car Buff - I wouldn't recommend it :lol:


When we collected the first three, they hadn't been fed, just watered. We drove home from Stafford - about an hour - no nasty niffs.


This time because we are only 15 mins from the pig farm, the pigs had been fed - NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!

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Our weekend - Part 2 :D


As well as clearing out an outbuilding, we also moved the chickens to their new homes. The run areas are not completely finished - they still need gates, but we needed to move everyone.


We had a problem over a week ago with pecking. Lottie and Tallulah were pecked so badly that their rear ends were in a very bad way. We bathed them with diluted tea tree oil, covered the sore bits with vaseline and put them into a separate area. We then had to split the two of them up because Lottie was pecking at Tallulah :roll: They had a green Eglu each and the others had the pink one.


When we put them into the new runs area, Lottie and Tallulah were both healed so we put them all back togather.


We put a cockerel - the 'chosen' one - in with the layers. He's too young to know why he is in there and is most put out at being separated from the others :roll: Lottie has made it her mission in life to prevent him from eating :evil: We put in a new treddle type feeder which we wanted them to use as it keeps the food covered and rats and birds such as crows cannot get to the food. We have had to add another feed station in or the cockerel would be a bit hungry. The girls are happy because they were scared of the treddle feeder - every time they put a foot on the treddle (which makes the hopper open) it clanged and they flapped off in fright :roll:


Mindy was shut in the Eglu and Carl carried the whole thing across to their new area - she sat tight on her eggs and all was well................. until I decided that she ought to come out and see her new abode. She did............ and then didn't come back to her eggs :? . She disappeared to the end of the run with Mork and was enjoying her adventure. We had to use some netting to herd them back down towards the Eglu. We fixed the netiing across to make the area smaller so that Mindy doesn't wander off again. We popped her back in to the Eglu and closed the door - she has re-bonded with her eggs.


All Eglus moved and feeders sorted out, we decided to have a drink and sit and watch all of them in their new homes. Carl had a beer, I had a home-made lemonade, we sat in the shade and watched with satisfaction......................... for all of one minute. Tallulah had been badly pecked again and was being severely hassled by Poppy and Star :twisted:


One bucket of warm water, tea tree oil, rubber glove and vaseline later and Tallulah was popped in to the spare run and the Eglus rearranged - again :roll: - and we were able to sit for a while and watch.


Carl's back is still recovering from moving all the Eglus - over the Omlet netting and into the run - and then moving them all again :roll:



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That DOES look smart Lesley! Good lad for building such lovely enclosures. I hope that Tallulah's botty heals up again - if you need it, you can get a tea tree ointment from pet shops for things like that - works really well.


Can't wait to see it all on Sunday - have the new kittens arrived yet?


You must both be worn out!

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Oh what lovely runs. Am very green :mrgreen:


Your pigs are soooooo gorgeous :D


My husband is really anal about the cars being kept clean inside and out. Our girls are not alowed to eat in them. He would have a nervous breakdown if I carried a pig in ours :shock::lol::lol:

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Lovely pics Lesley.


The pigs are really cute


It must be lovely to wake up to all that space. All the hard work is worth it :D

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My husband is really anal about the cars being kept clean inside and out. Our girls are not alowed to eat in them. He would have a nervous breakdown if I carried a pig in ours :shock::lol::lol:


I had to laugh at that Paola - we don't allow the grandchildren to eat in the car - but pigs can poo in it :roll::lol::lol:


I'll see if I can get the tea tree ointment, it will come in handy. Tallulah is also on full-strength Avipro in hr water and is quite happy on her own.


One more paddock to be built next week and then that's it until we sell the house.

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Well AnnieP you have a lot to answer for! :mrgreen:

It has taken me just over 3 days (on & off) to read all 61 pages of this post and i thoroughly enoyed every minute! :D

Lesley is living our dream: Even MORE land and Piggies! (see her VERY long post "The good life". There are quite a few of us living a kind of cyber surrogate experience off her new home at present!

That's the trouble isn't it? Once you get started you just want more.....

Chickens are a great place to start!

Lesley you are living the dream indeed! A true country style soap opera - just like Emmerdale Farm but in the old days! :roll::roll:

While reading this topic i have lurched from the depths of despair to the heights of heaven with every post; from you eventually buying the farm to long orange gloves and pig pooh! :shock:

Lesley you are one very lucky lady who by all accounts is having the time of your life.

AnnieP - i have now adapted my dreams accordingly! :mrgreen:

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