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The Good Life !!!!!!!!!!!!

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They had the lion face ones as well Hellen - I don't like them :?


These have not been named yet - it's hard work choosing all these names :roll: I feel a Watership Down moment coming on.......... :lol:


They are a male and female pair. She will be able to have one litter and then he will be off to the vet. I can sell the babies back to the pet store for a good amount of money :D So, although we won't be eating them, they will be earning their keep :wink:


Lauren and Jake were beside themselves this afternoon when they saw them. I bought special leads for the bunnies - mostly because I'm scared of them running off - and Lauren and Jake took them to the clover patch for a walk

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They are really lovely Lesley - so cute - I love rex bunnies. I'll have to lend you my buny care CD - it's very good. I don't know how old they are, but take care with them on grass; they really shouldn't have (or any green food) it until they are over abour 16 weeks as it can upset their tummies with sometimes fatal consequences (ask Clare*). They just need a boring diet of dried food, water and lots of hay.


I can see that Lauren and jake just love them - ours wererunning roudn the garden this evening and kicking up their heels :D

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Martin - it is a CD in pdf format, which has loads of information about bunny care - it was put together by the (very reputable) breeder that I got my bunnies from.


Lesley - would it be possible to put them on the paving near the house? Don't want to be a pooper here, but bunnies can die from tummy complications if they eat 'green or wet' foods before 16 weeks. Bunnies really prefer a fairly boring diet and don't tolerate changes to their food very well, there are also certain foods that they shouldn't have, lettuce for example gives them v bad colic. I am surprised that the pet shop didn't go through this with you before you bought them.


There are some links about this:


From our bunny breeder:FEEDING INSTRUCTIONS:

Nearer weaning time, we will confirm the litter's favourite feeds (often, different litters have different preferences!) as it's very important they don't have a sudden change of diet. We ensure the babies leave here with in excellent health and enjoy a correct and well-balanced diet.


We aim to feed babies on 50% mix an 50% long fresh meadow hay and each are supplemented by extra fibre using Spillers ReadiGrass and other high-fibre feeds. Fibre is the most important part of any rabbit's diet and we ensure the babies leave with good feeding habits. We always use fresh meadow hay which must be long to ensure correct tooth wear and help prevent future spurs developing on the molar teeth. We would never use plastic-bagged 'pet shop' hay as this tends to be of a very poor quality and usually rather stale.


We do not feed grass, fruit or veg to young babies since this can lead to potentially-fatal stomach upsets and ask that these are introduced very slowly and gradually once the babies are at least 3-4 months old. Then, once your new bunny is about 6 months old the diet can be changed so that long fresh meadow hay and fresh grass represents 50% of the diet; veg and fruit accounts for 25% and the final 25% can be a quality, high fibre mix.


It is very important that rabbits never have a sudden change of diet, particularly in the 3-4 weeks following adoption, so all of ours leave with a tuck-bag of the mixes they are used to.














I don't have the CD here, or I could pull off all the information quickly, but I'd be happy to lend it to both Lesley and Martin.

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Best keep them off anything but dried food, hay and water for about another month, then intorduce new things slowly. They can be dead fussy (not like chooks at all) and will leave things that they don't like. Mine love curly kale, aren't keen on cabbage and hate carrots :? They love large amounts of hay though, which is good for keeping their gut in order.

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When my bunnies had babies a couple of years ago the local pet shop owner said he would give me 310 each for them.


He nearly fell over when I came down with 7 baby buns for him :lol:


They were adorable,and every single one was a different colour :D


Heres a piccy CopyofPicture002.jpg

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Back to the 'real' stuff :lol:


The cockerels keep fighting and sending their water flying :roll: - they won't be long for the pot now :?


It has been so hot that I've been spending so much time making mud pies for the pigs - sorry, mud baths. They love it and would suffer without them. The boys wander in and out of the spraying water and have a drink and get wet - then they wait until they are quite near to the fence (and me) and shake like a dog! Their big lop ears send muddy water everywhere :evil:


The girls just watch and wait and then move in to the mud as you leave :D


I was very tempted to join them yesterday - it was soooooo hot here.

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Ooh Err Lesley!


Best not let GRD hear you saying that, you'll have his heartrate going ten to the dozen!!


know what you mean though- We took molly to river frome (more a cleanwater stream) in stroud on sunday evening as it was so hot - half tempted to jump in and have a paddle!


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Oh what I'd do for a pool :wink: , Lesley you have the room :P


I might sit with my feet in water later and pretend :wink::lol::lol: Got to go to a meeting on wednesday so hope it's not sweltering as I have no aircon in my car :?


We are having a week off here in a couple of weeks so may try to get to a beach or something, not sure where the nearest place would be?


back firmly on topic....hadn't thought about having to create mud for the pigs but yes of course they need it. Big job on your hands Lesley out with the hose constantly :wink:



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