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Small Car recomendations Please

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Some of you may remember me posting about the awful service from Direct Line breakdown a couple of weeks ago when the clutch cable broke on my car :twisted: .


well yesterday my car broke again, this time no power steering :twisted: The day after the clutch cable was repaired I got a flat back tyre :roll: In september my car failed it's MOT big time as well costing me hundreds of pounds in repairs and replacemnt parts :twisted:


I have now had enough :twisted: and need to get another car, but definately not a Fiat :!: A smart alec at work told me yesterday that Fiat stands for Fix It Again Tomorrow :roll:


This car is jinxed and I need to get rid of it before the engine blows up :shock:


So if you have a reliable small car please let me know :D

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Well, five people in my road have Renault Clios, and never seem to have any trouble, two of them are 'S' reg, the others are much newer :D There are a lot around too, mind you the new style one is at the large end of the small car size range.


I won't give you my personal recommendation because I am rather biased towards Rover :oops::wink:

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We have one of the new Fiat Pandas (Like James May!), & it is absolutely brilliant :P

Its fun to drive,has all the bells & whistles,is easy to park & is spacious for a little'un too

I really cannot recommend them highly enough.....they were car of the year a year or so ago :wink:


But I have just seen you don't like Fiats :?:lol:

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DON'T get a Clio. I had a Clio, and it was the most unreliable, unsave car to drive that i'v e ever had. The exhaust fell of twice in less than 2 years, and at the first sniff of cold weather it would take to skating across the road, causing me to crash when I was 8 months pregnant with Caitlin. I thought it was my driving, but both my father and chookiehubbies father took it out, and they found the same - no grip on the road in wet or cold weather. It was very comfy inside - very roomy - but a nightmare to drive.


Chookiehubbie currently has a Citreon C1 - it's just FAB! It's incredibly economical, very, VERY comfy, and lovely to drive - I steal it at every available opportunity!

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But I have just seen you don't like Fiats :?:lol:


I loved Fiats until this one started to go wrong. I have had 2 Pandas and a Tipo and loved driving them all. All were very reliable until they died of old age. My current Fiat, a Seicento is only just 6 years old and has had things go wrong with it that just shouldn't have happened to a car of this age. the local mechanic can't beleive some of the repairs he has had to do, although I am sure he loves to see my car being towed onto his forecourt :roll: and sees pound signs before his eyes :roll:


I was intending to have a Fiat Panda 4x4 in the spring :( but now I am not so sure :?:(

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I was intending to have a Fiat Panda 4x4 in the spring :( but now I am not so sure :?:(


We are getting one of those next year 8):P

I just love my car. Maybe you just got a bad'un this time :?

The new Pandas are known for their reliability (or so The Hubby said when he was trying to talk me into it)

I drove a big old black Merc before I had this one,& thought I would find it a real bore driving a small car, but its just such fun.

I love the glass roof too ... it makes the car lovely & light inside,although its a bit odd driving it in a lightning storm :shock:


Here is (not so large) Marge - so named as she is the exact colour of Marge Simpsons hair.



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I loved my Fiesta (now my sister drives it.) Still going strong after 9 years


My Metro is almost 14 :shock: It sticks to the road like glue. In fact, a few years ago (2004 I think) when Birmingham ground to a halt one January afternoon (due to freak weather conditions resulting in sudden thick ice) people were stuck in their cars overnight on all the main roads, I managed to get home in the Metro in just over 45 minutes, against a normal journey time of 20 mins, using all the treacherous back roads, even passing two men in a car stuck up an icy hill, who couldn't believe it when I passed them! I didn't realise the crunching sound was ice under the tyres :shock::oops:

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my first car, in 1987, was a fiat panda- a total rust bucket but i still have fond memories of it, it being my first 'n all :)


I have always driven Nissan Micras since then, (except for a brief flirt with a Daewoo Lanos, what a load of "Ooops, word censored!" they were!) I think Micras are a great little car.

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In the past I've has 2 Clio's and a Corsa, and I've liked them all, but that was in my 20's so the styles have changed a lot. I had a Fiesta too and only kept it for 4 months, didn't like it at all, very 'tinny' (again many years ago so they're prob much better now).

My 17 yr old currently has a 04 reg Corsa but she much prefers her instructor's Toyota Yaris.

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Hi! I just want to sing the praises of the Ford Ka. It is actually really fun to drive, very nippy in the city and an absolute dream to park in any space! It does lack boot space so not great for prams but will fit a buggy! My neighbour thought it would be a good idea to reverse into me the other day and it had to go away for repair. I was given a courtesy car - a Fiat Punto (new version - 5doors) and I hated every minute of driving it. It was very slow and far too big to park! I was thrilled when I got my Ka back on Friday. This is my second Ka and I wouldn't change to anything else - even if I won the lottery!

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My Mum has had a Ford Ka for years, she's been through several and loves them. They are nippy and fun to drive - I love throwing it around bendy lanes and it's soo responsive. Of course it doesn't have the comfort level of my Mondeo but its definately more fun!


I talked her into upgrading to a fiesta so that she could have 4 doors. WHAT A MISTAKE. It was sluggish and unresponsive and felt totally unsafe to overtake in as it was SOOOOO SLOOOOOW. She barely kept it a year before she chopped it in for another shiny new KA.


Actually if anyone is ever looking for a secondhand KA, Mum keeps hers 2 years then sells them, usually with less than 10,000 miles on the clock!

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Fiat's Yuk!! - the punto is one of the worst cars on the road and most of the new shape ones out have problems with the door catches, It was taking Fiat 6 weeks to get replacement bits and you couldnt open whichever door failed from the inside or outside :shock:


I would have to say Mini, such fun to drive and lovely little cars - Not that Joe will let me have on just yet but will be collecting Myrtle from the garage later, after the fuel smell I noticed was....a fuel leak :cry: and a packed in central locking system thats had to be replaced.


One more thing to go wrong with it and I will be replacing her with a shiny Mini Cooper (I hope she's listening :lol:)




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