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Guest chookiehen

Teen hormones??!

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Ok, I know that children grow up fast nowadays, but is it possible for teen hormones to kick in as young as 10?! Duncan has just turned 10, and shows all the signs of turning into a moody teenager already - he does a 'stomp and huff' that seems to be modelled on Harry Enfields 'Kevin', and his moods aare up and down all over the place. He says he's happy at school, and that he's not getting any hassle from anyone, which was my initial concern, so hormones is the only thing I can really think of. One minute he's a little devil, the next he's back to being my adorable eldest. :(

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You poor thing! Mine already has major huffs, stomps upstairs yelling "And I'm not coming down EITHER!!!" (sound of bedroom door slamming shut!) :evil: She's 6! :shock: Luckily hers are fairly few and far between, :pray: but I dread to think what the teenage years will be like - I really don't want to think they'll be starting in 4 years! :shock:

(i'm sure I was never that bad :wink: )

Mrs Bertie

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I just think some kids are moody by nature. The key is as ever not to rise to it, its a lot of effort behaving like that and if it doesn't get you anywhere...... Can I say I am speaking as the mother of 2 teenage boys who only behave 'teenagery' around their grandparents because they know Grandpa and Grandma will go into the scold/argue/placate cycle at the slightest whiff of a huff.

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Boys, just like girls, hit puberty at different times. Just as girls start their periods anywhere between 8 and 17 (and at other ages in the extreme!) boys' hormones can kick in at anytime as well. He will probably be lovely, well adjusted and zit free by the time he is 14!

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Have never had a new baby in tow at the same time. That'll be a laugh!! :lol:




That's the thing, I kinda assumed I'd get the new baby to at least 18 months before I had to deal with a terrible teenager! What have I let myself in for??!!!

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Have never had a new baby in tow at the same time. That'll be a laugh!! :lol:




That's the thing, I kinda assumed I'd get the new baby to at least 18 months before I had to deal with a terrible teenager! What have I let myself in for??!!!


:lol::lol: Sorry I should not laugh :oops:

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Maybe it's because of the baby that his mood has changed Shona - I don't mean this in a bad way, just that he's maybe got a lot of emotions going on - will the baby change the family he's used to, will he have more responsibilities being the biggest brother? etc. Also, goodness knows what gory birth stories 10 year olds have to tell :shock: - he could be upset at his mummy having to through that.

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You might find he's a bit embarrassed by the pregnancy..


A pal of mine surprised herself by having a late baby...she was 42...and her children were 12 and 14. Their emotions were very mixed as they were thrilled about the baby....but appalled at this concrete evidence that their parents were still having sex :lol:


A very grisly notion to a teenager.:roll:


They came in for a bit of teasing from their friends because of it.


It all settled down eventually, when the baby arrived and everyone was totally besotted with him.

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