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Just a plastic bag rant.

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Went to JJB sports the other day to buy a new pair of shin pads for YS.


At the checkout, the boy put them in one of those heavy duty plastic bags with a cord shoulder strappy thing. I said "I don't need a bag, thanks". So what does he do? Just puts it straight in a bin marked "plastic only". Granted it may be going to be recycled but it wasn't used, why couldn't he have used it for the next customer :evil: ?

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Did you say anything Vicki? (have I got the right name? :oops: )


Perhaps a prompt may have made him think?


I said no to bags in about 4 shops yesterday and they all just replaced the bag ready to use for the next customer.


I know Stratford are considering following the town that has changed from using plastic carriers completely - that will be interesting.........

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A few years ago I was in M&S buying something- bubble bath probably (peach flavour! :D )

I told the sales assistant I did not need a bag, but she said she had to give me one :?

I presume that their policy is changing now?


I presume so too, as they are now selling really nice canvas bags with the models faces on 8):lol:


Since I bought some of Snowys bags I have not had a carrier bag at all.

In fact I had to deliberatly go out of my way to not take my gorgeous patchwork bags with me the other week so I could get a couple of carrier bags for the daughters to put their muddy hockey boots into for school :roll:

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Whack a 10p charge on every carrier bag and people would soon bring their own!


Other countries in Europe do it, why can't we?


I always get a strange look when I buy fruit and veg in the supermarket and i don't use a small plastic bag. It does take a while for the checkout person to weight each sprout individually, but I am doing my bit for the planet! :wink::wink:

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I always take the little plastic bags for fruit and veg - they make good freezer bags and that way I don't have to buy any.


I hate carrier bags too, yesterday though I forgot to take out any of my bags and ended up with 3 carriers :cry:


I'd like one of Snowy's bags but havn't seen the one for me yet.

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A few years ago I was in M&S buying something- bubble bath probably (peach flavour! :D )

I told the sales assistant I did not need a bag, but she said she had to give me one :?

I presume that their policy is changing now?


Do you think it used to be partly advertising, and partly security reasons? I always insist on a receipt if I can get away without a carrier bag (unless I am shopping in the market, where they don't have tills!), but the other day in Boots lichfield branch, the shop assistant was happily using special 'Boots sold' stickers on packs of nappies the woman in front of me was purchasing :D

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I haven't used carrier bags for a long time.


Moray Council are selling cotton "carrier" bags for a pound and a larger sturdier jute bag for £2.


During the week I bought a council jute bag and got a cotton bag for free 8) Yesterday the council had a stall near the farmers market and I bought 2 more cotton bags :D


I must have at least 15 cotton/jute/resuable bags now 8)


Supermarkets should start charging for carrier bags, maybe then OH will remember to take his supply of bags out of the car boot when he goes shopping :roll::evil:

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I won't allow plastic bags in my house, i hate the things. We have lots of cotton and jute bags as well as fold-up travel bags from paperchase which are bigger than the standard carrier bag anyway.


For freezer bags and sandwich bags we save the plastic bags that Sunday supplements and catalogues come in.

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I'm totally anti plastic bags too and won't use the carrier bags at all. I wonder if I have gone too far when I look in absolute horror when people give me something in a plastic carrier bag! :lol:


I buy biodegradable plastic food bags though. Should I stop doing this? :?


I heard that Brighton is considering going plastic-bag free. If it can, then I'm sure my little town could. Hebdon Bridge (Yorkshire) was talking about it I know, as one of the shop keepers told me. :D8)

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I would just love to take a photo of people standing outside my local (to work) Tesco, waiting for their private hire cars to arrive. Some of them are standing in a sea of shopping in carrier bags, must be over 20 with some of them :shock::evil:


I find the BHWT bag great for food shopping, it takes bulky and heavy stuff easily, though it won't fold up in my handbag so I usually take the Omlet bag everywhere with me 8)

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