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lovely, homemade pressie

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Our friends made us a little hamper with homemade goodies in this year. Obviously not everyone has the skill or time to do this but I thought it was absolutely delightful and unique! :D It contains;


white chcolate fudge

Jack Daniel's marmalade

christmas chutney

little, decorated, ginger biscuits

bottle toffee vodka

bottle blackcurrant and liquorice vodka



ALL homemade in a basket from Ikea and beautifully wrapped!


I love homemade things :D


Is anyone else giving a homemade gift this year? What is it and who are you giving it to?

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I'm doing a hamper for my parents this year as they insist on us not buying them anything as they say they neither need or want anything. I can't bear them having nothing for Christmas so I'm making them Stollen, a little raised pork pie, chocolate truffles, raspberry vodka, crab apple brandy, orange shortbread biscuits, ginger chocolate chip cookies and anything else I can manage to get into the basket :lol: . All my Christmas cards were homemade too.

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I give little hampers too my favourite family members.

I do a few home made bits,& supplement them with other nice things I find throughout the year which I think they will like.

This year I have packed them in reusable hemp bags :P


For the home mades I am doing -


Sloe Gin

Raspberry Vodka

Lemon Curd

Spiced Christmas nuts

and a Chutney


Last year I was able to give them each a box of eggs too, but we hardly have enough for ourselves this year


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cool, thanks Kate :D


I need to get into the mindset of thinking about gifts thru the year rather than the month before. I'm going to put lots of interesting things in my hampers and some homemade treats too next year! :D


Such a brill idea.


Wonder if Richard is making anyone any knitted pressies this year?

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I have a group of seven girl friends, we exchange presents each year but not spending a lot. (I posted about this on the Green Thinking forum). This year they are each getting a BHWT bag, with:


a jar of home-made whisky marmalade

a jar of home-made apple & ginger chutney

a cheap plastic container (Tesco) with Nigella's chocolate brownies

a bag with some Christmas biscuits in (sesame-seed shorties, cut out with star cutters)


I love doing home-made, and people usually really appreciate the fact that you've taken the trouble to do this. I would put eggs in, but not at the rate my girls are laying!

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Couldn't have had a lot even if I wanted it :( I used a larger bottle so there was only a drop left over. Think I'll have to find a smaller bottle and decant it again. May be some leftover for me to sample properly. After all, it wouldn't be fair to give it to family if I HADN'T tried it properly, now would it? :twisted::wink:

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I have given Ruby Grapefruit and Ginger marmalade to my cousins - I don't have a lot of money to spare and it is about the giving rather than anything else. I also have jars of orange slices in spiced honey to take as gifts to people I am visiting over the break.

Do you think I can give the dog away - twelve years old anf very whiney!! - does she count as home made??? (I love her dearly but she is driving me mad!)

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I have given Ruby Grapefruit and Ginger marmalade to my cousins - I don't have a lot of money to spare and it is about the giving rather than anything else.




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