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On the 18th day of Christmas...

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My Clover gave to me, a torquise egg in the nesting box!

YAY! At the grand old age of 37 weeks we have an egg! Its gorgeous, she spent all morning going in and out of the nesting box but after about 2 hours she trotted down the ladder so I went to investigate and there it was, in a Clover shaped dent :D:D:D

I'm so proud of her!

I taken a picture too, the picture doesn't show the colour very well though :roll: But here it is:






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Thank you for your comments everyone, I will pass them on to Clover :lol:

CatsCube- Clover would has been crouching for just over a week and her face has been red for about a month. Her comb was tiney, but it seemed to grow and redden in about a week.

How old is Dot? We got Clover when she was 21 weeks and she finally layed at 37 weeks. This time of year they mature much slower.

Don't give up yet!



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I haven't been on the forum in ages, but that is great news... Hurrah for Clover!!!!!!!!


My Jasmine, Gladys (from same farm as yours) has been laying rubber eggs for about a week now. At the moment I don't think I'd care if she laid a blue egg, just as long as it had a real shell... :roll:

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Don't worry she'll get the hang of it, just make sure she is getting her grit. When Lacey our Starlight was laying soft shelled eggs or no shelled eggs we made her mashed potatoe with a hand full of grit in, and she was back to normal after a few days.

Have you checked her earlobes? That usually indicates what colour she will lay. Clover has white earlobes with a blue/green tinge. Also does she have a little hair-do? The bigger the hair-do the more chance there is of getting blue/green eggs as there is more Araucana blood in them, if that makes sense :?


Good luck with little Gladys!



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Hi xChicken04x


Yes, she has quite a big hairdo and white earlobes with a green tinge, but she is still laying soft, reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllly soft, shelled eggs. Beautiful yolks! I will try the mash with grit tomorrow. The nesting box is really icky every day so I hope she starts laying eggs with shells soon!

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