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Found a great present in Oxfam!

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I needed one more present to even up numbers for my 2 boys. Popped into Oxfam on the offchance and found 2 huge books - "Encyclopedia of Mammals" and "Saving the Oceans". Worth $70 and $40 respectively, got them for £4.95 each. The encyclopedia is quite old but still looks quite good.


YS loves anything marine or animally so hope he likes them!

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A friend of mine once wanted to buy her niece and nephew books for Christmas presents, checked with the mum what they would like/already had and was told in no uncertain terms that books were not a proper present, they have plenty at school.


She was upset about this and so was I on her behalf. I always buy my kids books for Christmas and birthdays.

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I love books too & I can't think of a better pressie.


This year I am giving -

'My Booky Wook' - Russell Brand to Devon (although I am reading it too!)

'Fly Fishing For Dummies' - Hubby

'!00 greatest wonders of the World' - Cleo,who loves factual books

'The QI Annual ' - For all of us really

'The QI book of Animal Ignorance' for Cleo who loves animals

'How to Fossilize your hamster & other experiments' for Cleo who loves experiments


Some others too,but I can't remember what




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We are still trying to inspire our son to read. When he started in yr 7 they all got a free book from a small list and he read it :shock: He is out with hubby this morning buying a book to read over the weekend because he has got to write a 250 word report on a book from a huge and quite varied reading list over Christmas it wouls be good if he good do it before the big day.


He is at an all boys school and I think they are trying to get the boys to read more. We have always read to the children but I think that we have made it too easy for them, so they haven't bothered much themselves.


He has quite a few prezzies to encourage reading this year I am sure he will be delighted. :lol:

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I love books too! I have far too many of course and am now banned from buying another book. Yet I still gaze longingly at those book club adverts where you can get four of those huge volumes on gardening or some other interesting subject for £3 each when you join :oops::roll:


My new household rule for 2008 has to be 'if an item comes in then a similar item has to go out to make room'. :wink:

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I love books too! I have far too many of course and am now banned from buying another book. Yet I still gaze longingly at those book club adverts where you can get four of those huge volumes on gardening or some other interesting subject for £3 each when you join :oops::roll:


I am powerless to resist the lure of a Waterstones three for the price of two offer.


I do pass paperbacks on thought.


The one in - one out rule is a good one.

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I use Green Metropolis - a great site........ but I never get rid of any books, we just keep buying new bookcases :lol:


I sent my son of with a present to open on Christmas Day - a book called Do Ants Have ....... and another which has schoolboy howlers in. He is going to be with his girlfriends family, all speaking Hungarian and only his girlfriend who can speak English - they should keep him amused :lol:

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I have used Bookcrossing a couple of times but to be honest i never get rid of books. We have hundreds in our house and would rather get rid of ornaments than books.


Abi and I are both avid readers and are both getting plenty of books for Yule. We like the same type pf books too so we'll be sharing mosat of them. Luckily she reads as well as i do so the books aren't to childish!

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